In response to last week’s question, "Why is it that you can get salmonella from a chicken egg?", my cycling friend Ted thought it was either "the Jewish chickens who eat bagels and lox" or "health conscious chickens who are trying to increase Omega-3's."
Dick suggested that it is "for the same reason that ptomaine poisoning does not involve a toe!" to which my dad's beach buddy Bob was specific when he advised, "Like most of nature's problems it begins in the ovaries...the chicken's ovaries.
My friend Richard and birthday bud Jon observed, "It appears that something fishy is going on in that business." This led my friend Effie to explain, "Those germs are really sneaky. They can get in anywhere!...and once a nice, wholesome egg gets infected, well, it starts hanging out with the wrong crowd and doing things that would break its mother's heart."
My friend Royce wondered, "think about where that egg comes from?". My Parrothead friend Sam then added, "As a non-fish eater, I assume that the chicken and chicken eggs are anti-salmon. There is no bacterial infection from salmon that yield chickenella or any rare squawking disease. Ultimately it is the chicken's fault - in other words, they are in the crapper -- rather than the hen house. And if they just cleaned up their act, well maybe there would be less egg contamination. Dirty birds... "
Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ”:
- When something seems questionable, why do we identify it with fish?
Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!