Monday, November 29

Why don’t the leaves all fall at the same time?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin, in response to last week’s question, “Why don’t the leaves all fall at the same time?”, my first cousin-once-removed Greg, in between his classes at Oregon figured it is “to make room for the apples that don't fall too far from the tree.” However, my friend Kevin observed, “Just like people, some have a stronger will to live than others.”

My neighbor Al’s research revealed that “It's all part of a government plot to subsidize the leaf rake manufacturers. If all of the leaves fell at one time, everyone would only need to rake leaves once. Therefore less need to buy rakes.” My college roomie John didn’t think it was the government’s plan, instead, “It is nature's version of the Fall season busy work program! If it keeps us busy; maybe we’ll get in less trouble?”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob shared the practical answer, “Because the season lasts 3 months.” However, my friend Royce daringly explained, “Leaves are like women...they have their own schedule.”

My friend Chris responded, “it is the same reason our hair doesn't all fall out at the same changing, long lasting irony.” In this vein, my writing and sailing friend Rich explained, “Trees are so much sexier when it comes off one leaf at time. Why do you think they call it leaf peeping?”

My cycling friend Ted recalled, “Usually you spend an afternoon raking and admiring your work afterward. Two days later, the same tree dumps all over your fine work (usually at your spouse’s command), and she now yells down the hallway ‘when are you going to rake those leaves?’ “

My innovation friend turned photographer David (, ““I’m sure that there must have been trees that dropped all their leaves at once. But the dubious feat probably killed them instantly (think "micro burst"), making them evolutionary dead ends.” David then added, “I have often wondered about this and a similar question: what would happen if all the popcorn in the frying pan popped at once?”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ”:

     You can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed. 
   When are you just "whelmed"?  (from my eldest niece Trace)

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!

Consider finding something to be thankful for this week (maybe it will become a habit).

Monday, November 15

If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you have left?

In response to last week’s question, “If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you have left?”, my engineering friend Steve and neighbor Bob, also an engineer concluded, “one odd end, of course!” Then my friend Richard and neighbor Al expounded, “Since there’s only one left, and one is an odd number, then it’s an “odd.” If you get rid of that one, that’s “the end.” "  To this, my sailing friend Kate determined that this would be “An even start :) ”

My friend Effie theorized, “Odds and ends in isolation instantly become “thingies.” In some instances they might be “whatchamacallits” or “Whojawhajits.” Mostly, though, they end up being the clutter in the bottom of the drawer, that you never quite want to get rid of but never ever use.” My friend Royce countered, “It's according to which pile - the odds or the ends - said object is in.” My friend Tracey added, “You have a piece of garbage. Throw it away!”

My sailing friend Scott determined, “All you have left is just a bunch of middles.” My videographer and sailing friend Ivan shared, “Once upon a time I had a bunch of odds and ends. One day I got rid of all but one of them and I had one left. The end.”
My friend Swany joked (I think), “A wife.”

My organizational behavior friend Marya recalled, “Something cherished --- even if it is just that trinket you got from your first love and no one else would understand why you would keep napkin!” My birthday bud Jon and cousin Wes determined, “That was an odd question to end the email with.” However, my dad’s beach buddy Bob concluded that when you get rid of the odds and ends, it’s “Total Fulfillment.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ”:

         Some things get out of whack. What’s a whack”? (from my friend Jan)

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


I look forward to seeing many of your Thu night (see As for my birthday bud Adam, I anticipate seeing his next creative response.

Monday, November 8

Is it possible for chickens to be brave?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin, in response to last week’s question, “Is it possible for chickens to be brave?”, my Parrothead friend Sam, who is a highly educated biologist, wrote, “Chickens continue to run with their heads cut off - ergo, they never give up and are brave!” To this, my friend Richard noted, “Maybe not brave, but certainly plucky! (I know: Oy vey!!!)”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob responded, “Yes. Haven't you ever heard of "The Cock of the Roost"?

My neighbor Al observed, “I think that a wet hen can be brave, once you get her mad. But I've never really seen any mad wet hens.”

My cycling friend Ted noted, “all chickens say they will be brave, but ultimately, they are still chicken!! (based on my observations after 20 years of practicing dentistry).”

Then my writing and sailing friend Rich concluded, “You have to have a brain to tell you to be afraid. To be brave you have to override what your brain is telling you. If you haven't got enough of a brain to tell you why you are crossing the road, then when you get run over, it's just stupid.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ”:

      If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you have left? (from my friend Darcy)

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Thanks to my friend Adelbert who shared his homemade ginger beer at our sailing club dinner. Welcome to fresh flavor!