Monday, August 22

Can a woman work in a manhole?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin.

In response to last week’s question, “Can a woman work in a manhole?”, my friend Tracey challenged, “Yes, but why would she want to?” My friend Swany suggested, “If she is a proctologist.”

My writing and sailing friend Rich shared a similar view, saying “Of course she could, if she wanted. She is woman after all and nothing is beyond her ability. The thing to remember is that it was a woman who looked at the hot, smelly, dank and dark hole in the ground and declared "that's a man-hole", I"ll supervise from the cool, dry, brightly lit corner office.”

My sailing friend Kurt added, “I have to say yes based on observing ‘Man Overboard drills’ which work equally well for recovering women from the water.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob saw another perspective, explaining, “It happens all the time, but notice how they soon have frilly touches to them like curtains instead of cobwebs. That is how they make a man whole and to their liking.”

My neighbor Dick cautioned, “every answer I could think of, although some very clever, were a bit too smutty for publication” to which my friend Royce added, “I respectfully decline to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me.” One of my birthday buddies’ comments was more risque, writing “No, but the opposite is true.”

My college roomie John and cycling friend Ted dared to write, “I say sure, but then I cannot help but think, Can a man work in a womanhole and is that considered work? I guess the ladies can answer that best?!”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

      If everything synthetic is made with oil, what is synthetic motor oil made from? (from my friend Bill)

Today is the oldest you’ve ever been yet the youngest you’ll ever be. Enjoy this day while it lasts and remember to smile.

Monday, August 15

Is nostalgia what it used to be?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin.

In response to last week’s question, “Is nostalgia what it used to be?”, my friend Swany replied, “It’s now Nostalgia 2.0, sort of the same but pretty much different.”

My college roomie John concluded, “The simple answer is yes, but are our minds are not what they used to be, so our memory of the past may not be what it used to be.” My friend Richard further explained, “Actually, nostalgia is about what it ain’t, since our memories tend to have gaps (We tend to forget or gloss over the bad stuff.) and at times creative (We have accurate memories of things that never actually happened.).”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob challenged, possibly from a political perspective, “No. Nostalgia recalls pleasant memories...We have none of those to recollect.”

Then my young technology friend Andy replied, “Sorry, my nostalgia is still fresh and new.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

        Can a woman work in a manhole ?

Today is the oldest you’ve ever been yet the youngest you’ll ever be. Enjoy this day while it lasts and remember to smile.

Monday, August 8

Is red tape stronger than duct tape?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin.

In response to last week’s question, “Is red tape stronger than duct tape?”, my birthday bud Jon concluded, “It is when you try to take a deDUCTion.”

My friend elaborated about red tape, writing, “Red tape is stronger by far. It cannot be cut through, and (unlike duct tape) it never ceases to be sticky. Also, unlike both duct tape and The Force, it has no light side.” My cousin Don, who sails and who consults to cities around the country, concurred, “Red tape is stronger. It can hold up anything you need to do for a long time. However, it can’t be used to fix anything. Because of red tape, a lot of our government agencies are held together with duct tape. Some of the duct tape should be wrapped around the mouths of certain politicians.”

My neighbor Al explained, “Red tape isn't stronger ...... That's why there is so much of it!” to which my dad’s beach buddy Bob added, “Yes because there is no end to it.” My friend Patrick echoed, “Most definitely, especially in government.” And my friend Royce asked, “BTW: Did you send this to the "Tea Party"?”

My cable marketing friend Megan pondered, “Unfortunately so! If only we could patent and sell it. Then it might actual provide someone some value.”

My cousin Wes concluded, “Red tape is tougher. It's government issue. You have to cut it. Duct tape can be torn. But since duct tape comes in several colors, red duct is the toughest of all.” My organizational behavior guru friend Marya added, “Did you know they make tie-dyed duct tape? It's groovy man! ;-) ”

From the other side, my cycling friend Ted wrote, “I bet the stubborn males in Washington think they can fix more things with duct tape than red tape, therefore I give a resounding "DUCT." My sailing friend Kurt, who can fix most things sailing, observed, “Based on the length of time needed to cut thru red tape, I would have to say yes. However it is not as dependable; nobody carries a roll of red tape in their tool box.”

My friend Tracey sought to clarify it all, “Red tape may be more complicated but nothing is stronger than duct tape. It is the end all and be all.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is nostalgia what it used to be?

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Thank you to my brother-in-law Jay for introducing us to minor league soccer. The Tampa Bay ‘Rowdies’ were in town; you’ve got to hear their chants and songs to complement the tailgating. It makes a good soccer game a great evening.

Monday, August 1

If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know? And with texting, does anyone care?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin.

In response to last week’s question, “If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know? And with texting, does anyone care?”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob daringly admitted, “I trust my word spell check to make the correct decision.” My neighbor Stan added, “But wait, spell check uses the dictionary. Oh darn. Guess we will just hav 2 run round ignurt.”

My parrothead friend, who is a high school teacher turned college instructor wrote, “U kneed to half pride in Ur text n spelng. I think I am learning bad habits from my students.” My surfing friend Ted challenged, “We'd know because there are still those annoying English teachers who would argue they know better.”

My cousin Wes then provide his analysis, “Me: "Teacher, how do you spell [insert word]?" Teacher: "Look it up in the dictionary." Therefore if the [insert word] is in dictionary, it is spelled correct. To paraphrase Tom Hank's character in "A League of Their Own," there is no misspelling in the dictionary. Only in spellcheck.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

       Is red tape stronger than duct tape?

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Observation about our congressional leaders: The less decisions they make, the less they can be accused of doing wrong. So much for bold leadership.