Tuesday, May 29

Why are a "wise man" and a "wise guy" opposites?

In response to last week’s question,  “Why are a "wise man" and a "wise guy" opposites?”, my writing and sailing friend Rich concluded, “A wise man knows when to speak and when to listen, a wise guy knows neither.”  This might explain how my colleague Kosol responded, “because Men are an endangered species and Guys are a dime a dozen.”

My friend Stuart observed, “They are not opposites.  They just approach goals by different routes” to which my friend Richard countered, “I believe that it is because they live at opposite ends of a wiseacre!”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob noted, “The Wise Man, so much older, may drool a bit.  The Wise Guy just never stops slobbering all over himself.”

And my Yiddish loving friend Ira shared, “Perhaps they aren't opposites. My last name, although not spelled the same way, is typically pronounced "wise man" and there are certainly some who would call me a wise guy. So there.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Why is it that women cook and men grill?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


It is with the greatest of appreciation that we observed Memorial Day yesterday to remember those who gave their lives – and the families of those heroes -- to provide us with the freedoms we enjoy and cherish every day.

Monday, May 21

Is silence an endangered species?

In response to last week’s question,  “Is silence an endangered species?”, my friend Royce concluded, “Only if you are married!” to which my cycling friend Ted daringly wrote, “Just spend an afternoon with my wife and kids and you'll see that silence is not endangered-- it's extinct!”

My friend Richard observed, “Facebook and Twitter seem to be the antidote to the old adage, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt," since people seem to say some incredibly foolish things using those media. I don’t know if it is endangered, but it most certainly is on life support!”

My social business professor Marya advised, “I’m chiming in on this one considering I'm a teacher and try to teach my students to stop, listen, think, then ask!  ;-)  Silence is only an endangered species when someone doesn't know how to listen.” 

My dad’s beach buddy Bob cautioned, “Mostly when it comes to national security and America's space program.”

My cousin Wes shared, “Yeah,  even when I am where there should be silence I hear ringing in my ears.”  My friend Stuart replied, “It has been since 1971, when we went off the GOLD(en) standard.”  And my poster making friend Chris wittingly wrote, “I am going to plead the fifth on this one, so my answer is..................”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Why are a "wise man" and a "wise guy" opposites?  

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Wishing my bride a happy anniversary this Sunday.  (I remembered on my own.)

Monday, May 14

Can a person be both intelligent and have common sense?

In response to last week’s question,  “Can a person be both intelligent and have common sense?”, my sailing and writing friend Rich, who’s grandmother told him, “possessing common sense is always preferable to being ‘smarter than your own good’.  An example of this in action would be ‘he was smart enough to know the answer to her question, but he didn't have the common sense to keep it to himself ’.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob concluded, “Not if they graduated from Harvard, Columbia or USC Berkley” while my friend countered, “Only if you are a Democrat.”  To these, my leadership development friend Stuart B advised, “Yes, but that combination absolutely prohibits his or her entry into politics.”

My friend Swany observed, “Intelligent and common sense, yes.  Intelligent, common sense and blonde, no.”  My poster-making friend Chris replied, “I would like to think it is very possible, but I have been wrong before...maybe, sortof, kinda, I am not sure...can I plead the fifth?”

And my friend Bruce responded simply, “Yes, I can.  ;-)   ”  

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is silence an endangered species?

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!

Monday, May 7

What is the opposite of a serious heart attack?

In response to last week’s question,  “What is the opposite of a serious heart attack?”, my cycling friend Ted concluded, “that would be a very normal stress test!!” while my dad’s beach buddy Bob described it as “Indigestion with or without heartburn.”
My friend Royce rhymed, “I am tempted to say a "pharte attack", but I would never say that....”
My friend Kevin described this as “when my son Elliott cleans his room.”  My cousin Wes thinks it is “hitting your funny bone.”
And my friend Swany shared, “One would think a not-so-serious health event, perhaps a hang nail.  Or maybe if a heart can attack, it can also retreat but where would it retreat to?  There are those who are thought to have no heart so that could be the antithesis of a serious heart attack.  Reminds me of a poem I once wrote (see bottom of email).
Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Can a person be both intelligent and have common sense?  (from my technology and sailing friend Haim)

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Oneself True (from my friend Swany)
There is only one who knows every thought
and has felt the pain I've been through.
He feels what remains when the lesson's been taught
and keeps me from being untrue.
I rely on his strength to get through each day
and tell me which way I should take.
And if he could speak, what would he say
to keep joy in place of forsake?
What would he tell me to push me ahead
and get past the anguish of life?
Maybe he'd know how it was I got led
down the path of lingering strife.
What words would he offer if he could speak
to bring me back toward the light?
Would his voice be loud to stir what is weak
compelling my grief to take flight?
The one thing I know, he's always with me
although I may not treat him best.
He feels everything I turn out to be
He's the Heart that beats in my chest.