Monday, June 25

Do summer clothes make people appear brighter?

In response to last week’s question,  “Do summer clothes make people appear brighter?”,  my dad’s beach buddy Bob suggested, “If the person is without a skirt, color may not matter at all.  We love our beaches in South Carolina.”   To this, my friend Royce challenged, “Nope! Most of the time the people wearing 'em reveal too much and will cause nightmares! Haven't you seen those WalMart people photos?”

My friend Richard counted, “Yes, because when you wear summer clothes, you tend to expose more skin. Since that skin has been covered since the end of the previous summer, it has become quite pale. As a result, in bright sunlight, your skin reflects more sunlight and so looks extremely bright… In fact, it is practically blinding if looked at directly in sunlight.” 

My friend Kosol, who just moved to ATL, replied, “Summer clothes may make people look brighter but in conversation some seem pretty dim.”   To this, my college roomie John added, “As long as they do not say anything! People are typically brighter until they open their mouth and say something.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Why is it that Diamonds are a girl's best friend and a man's best friend is a dog?   (from my friend Kosol)
Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.

Monday, June 18

In response to last week’s question,  “Do bad days end at midnight?”,  my birthday Jon G recalled, “they usually didn’t even start getting “bad” until after midnight!”  My friend Bradley concluded, “the day ends whenever you go to sleep and wake up again.  Now, a good night won’t start ‘til midnight! At least I think that’s what I learned in college” to which my friend (and 1st time contributor) Trevor added, “some of my best days in college started at midnight.”

My sailing friend Tom lamented, “Bad days end at sundown and then become Bad Nights which end at sunup.  The ensuing is another bad day and so the cycle continues until the weekend at which time imbibing diminishes the recollection of the previous badness, this is why we never learn.”

My neighbor Dick  acknowledged, “actually, most of my bad experiences began at midnight!”  To this, my writing and sailing friend Rich explained, “Dear Old Dad used to say that "nothing good ever happens after midnight" in reference to those (me) who where running around town after the witching hour.  After a misspent youth of not listening to Dear Old Dad, I am prepared to admit that he was mostly right. Most really bad days begin at midnight.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob explained, “Most end when you get a hold of yourself. Hmmm.”  My neighbor Al expounded on this, “If they did,  then my college years would have been much different.  Bad days end when the hangover wears off.”   

My friend Alan optimistically rationalized, “in Judaism, the day begins at sundown so your bad day actually ended already!”

My wise friend Richard philosophized, “Good days are rare and way too short, but bad days seem to last forever.”   My Parrothead friend Sam replied, “bad days unfortunately do not end at midnight- more like a 24 hour cycle of bad and then a hope that it does not extend to the surrounding days in a general cloud of 'bad'.”  And my engineering friend who recently returned to ATL Steve added, “Don't I wish… sometimes they go on for weeks.”

My friend Royce declared, “they usually end when you find the bottle of Scotch” to which my dog rescue friend Kate clarified, “by midnight I've had enough to drink to forget the ‘bad day’.”

And then my insightful Swany concluded, “Not sure but good days start when you wake up and you hear the ocean waves rolling on the sandy beach!”  Can I get an “Amen” to Swany’s response?

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Do summer clothes make people appear brighter?
Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


My favorite time of the year, “Summer Solstice” is this week.  Wed and Thu both have 14hr, 26min of energizing, Vitamin D filled day light! Summer Solstice is Wed, Jun 20 this year.

Monday, June 11

Is growing up the same as learning how to act in public?

In response to last week’s question,  “Is growing up the same as learning how to act in public?”, my birthday bud Jon declared, “Hope not.”  And my friend Royce admitted, “I wouldn't know. I am a failure at both.”

My neighbor Al shared, “Oh I wish it were.  Unfortunately many people grow up without knowing how to act in public.”  To this, my cable marketing friend Megan added, “I know plenty of people who are “grown up” and still don’t know how to act in public.  Consider the crowds at any big event (sporting, concerts, etc.), on public transportation (MARTA and at the airport) or even the line at the grocery store.” 

My dad’s beach buddy Bob explained, “Growing up is inherited while learning how to act in public is taught.”  My cycling friend Ted countered,  "Grow up" is something your wife might say, and learning how to "act in public" is something your mother tried to teach you. Now since all wives eventually become your mother, I would say the two statements are the same.”

My cousin Greg concluded, “No, because some elderly people act like children in public. You can’t do anything without them wanting ice cream or needing to use the restroom.”   Ouch.  My sailing friend Kurt noted, “No, I knew how to act in public long before I grew up.  I think most men don't grow up until their better half downloads the first tricycle motor.”

And my BBQ friend Alan offered advice from, Lewis Grizzard: “Everything we needed to know we learned in kindergarten”.

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Do bad days end at midnight?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


A another great visit to Margaritaville this past Saturday – great music, great friends, great weather.  I think we discovered about the only place where socialism might work.  And thanks to my friend Barry, we made it onto the big screen.

Monday, June 4

Why is it that women cook and men grill?

In response to last week’s question,  “Why is it that women cook and men grill?”, my sophisticated, media-owner friend Bill concluded, “Because grilling is simple.”  My friend Chris, a former colleague of Bill’s, added, “because men are better at it...but don't repeat that to the women.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob observed, “Women are more accustomed to having something in the oven while men have this thing about getting things fired up before it is put in the oven.”

My ice cream loving friend Bruce challenged, “It’s the other way around.  My woman grills me for cooking up mistakes.”   My videographer friend Ivan added, “Because when men cook, women grill the chef. "Why are you making such a mess, why do you use so much salt, do you have to have the radio on so loud while you are cooking?"  To this, my birthday bud Jon reasoned, “Because grilling is the only time men are not being grilled by the women we love.”

My friend Richard explained, “It goes back to when our ancestors lived in caves. Grilling requires being out in the elements, exposed to an open flame, and with an element of danger, so a different term was required for that as compared to cooking in a cave. In most primitive societies, men performed the former because they did not stay near the cave, tending to the children and domesticated livestock. (The differentiation between them was often unclear.)”

And the only woman to reply was my Parrothead friend Sam (Samantha), who declared, “I think it is easiest to start out that men grill because it is the great outdoors, and there is something primal about that ‘Kiss the griller’ apron and holding up the grill tools.  It is dirty and then you can almost see the charcoal smudges as warpaint/camo paint for the Man.  Women cook, so that they have a place of their own in the house - where they rule, clean, dictate and wear the ‘Kiss the chef’ apron.  It truly is the power of the apron and the war of the sexes.  To this, my neighbor Al replied, “Real men cook.”  

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is growing up the same as learning how to act in public?   

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


Margaritaville comes to ATL this Saturday.   Hope to see you tailgating --- even if you don’t have tickets.  It’s the place to be seen with your flowery shirt, grass skirt and coconut bra.  Fins to the left!