Monday, July 30

When the past meets the present, is it tense?

In response to last week’s question,  “When the past meets the present, is it tense?”, my college roomie John suggested, “if the past partner meets the present partner, it could be tense and many other things.”  To this, my friend Royce shared, “Only if it's your ex-wife who has just discovered you are dating her mother.” 

My videographer friend Ivan noted, “When one is in a wigwam, and the other a teepee, the meeting is just in tents.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob observed, “It would be joyful if it was to have an old boss working for me long enough to fire him.”

My birthday bud Jon noted, “It’s tense if it goes past the time I was supposed to get my wife a present.”   My writing and sailing friend Rich added, “When it’s wives, the answer is usually yes.”

My friend Swany replied, “I don't know if it's tense but at least you know your flux capacitor is working,” to which my engineering friend Steve added, “Isn't there something about ripping a hole in space time?”

And then my poster-making friend Chris concluded, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift..that is why it is called the present :)   ”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Where do you get a replacement handle on life?

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly!

Monday, July 23

What do you do if you can't stand the heat when you're not in the kitchen?

In response to last week’s question,  “What do you do if you can't stand the heat when you're not in the kitchen?”,  my cousin Greg shared an NBA reference, writing, “Move out of Miami” to which my friend Kosol added, “You go to Oklahoma City because that's where all the people that were beat by the Heat are.”
My dad’s beach buddy Bob offered a practical solution, “Have another martini” while my sailing friend Scott recommended, “You go jump in the lake!”  (Yes, Scott’s, it’s time to go again.)
My sailing and writing friend Rich suggested, “Forget the kitchen, with global warming it's going to be, ‘If you can't stand the heat get off the planet’."
My friend Royce replied, “To paraphrase James Carville and expand on last week’s topic, find some air conditioning stupid!”
Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

When the past meets the present, is it tense?  from my friend Lon

Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably And never regret anything that made you smile!


Happy Birthday to my better half this Thu (7/26) along with Mick Jaeger and Dave F.

Monday, July 16

Should you fix stupid, or just sedate it?

In response to last week’s question,  “Should you fix stupid, or just sedate it?”, my cable marketing friend Megan concluded, “I’ve never experienced “stupid” that was worth the trouble to fix it.”  My neighbor Al noted, “Stupid is relative. Didn't Einstein try to explain relatives?”

My DISH friend John shared, “Unfortunately, like cancer, we still haven't found the cure.  And with sedation, like other pain killers, stupid builds up tolerance until it no longer has any impact on the target.  Our only option is to continue down the path we have always taken; gather up as much stupid as we can and (every 2, 4 or 6 years) send it to Washington.”  To this, my birthday bud Jon countered, “Just stop electing it to Congress,” which would also address my dad’s beach buddy Bob’s observation, “You expose it and let the Supreme Court deal with it.”

 My engineering friend Steve recommended, “If you stop saving stupid it should fix itself eventually,” which my sailing friend Kurt shared, “Just let Darwin handle it.”  My friend Brad added, “Maybe this is a little harsh, but fix it so it can’t multiply” to which my friend Royce encouraged, “Why postpone it?”

Then my friend Kosol challenged, offering this wisdom, “Just as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder so is stupidity.  What one person may seem as being stupid, another may see as being clever.  So it's hard to say if stupid can be fixed or not.  I only say that because most of the things I've done in life may have seemed to stupid to others but have since paid off for all.”   My friend Chris had a similar view, writing, “Ignorance is not bliss, it is can't know you are stupid about something if you don't know about it in the first I say let it be free like the founding fathers designed it to be...sometimes you are not the exception to the rule, but you are an example that we all try not to follow. If it’s not free to be stupid then how are we all going to learn what NOT to do?”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
What do you do if you can't stand the heat when you're not in the kitchen?
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably And never regret anything that made you smile!


Monday, July 9

Can you take comfort when the high temps are in the low 100's?

In response to last week’s question,  “Can you take comfort when the high temps are in the low 100's?”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob noted, “that is when opportunity knocks and I get to choose who will be under my air conditioned tent.”

My Parrothead friend Sam reflected, “I can take comfort in cold glass of ice water, iced tea, etc.  Now, when it is in the high 100s, well then that might call for a little trip into the chest freezer, but that's normal, right?”  

My friend Royce shared, “Only if you have a great AC system or happen to be in northern Canada while the lower 48 swelters.”

My cousin Wes put it in perspective, saying “at least it is not low hundreds centigrade” while our cousin Dave in Austin replied, “yes, low 100’s is nice.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Should you fix stupid, or just sedate it?  from my neighbor Dick

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.

Monday, July 2

Why is it that diamonds are a girl's best friend and a man's best friend is a dog?

In response to last week’s question,  “Why is it that diamonds are a girl's best friend and a man's best friend is a dog? ”, my friend Richard cautiously replied, “I’ve got lots of rejoinders to this one, but none that won’t get me in a LOT of trouble!  Back away slowly and no one gets hurt ….”   Fortunately, several friends chose to ignore this, most notably my sailing friend Tom, who observed, “Throw a diamond in your car trunk and watch your girl go in after it, then throw a hot dog in the trunk and watch your dog jump in after it.  Now close the trunk lid for two hours, when you open it see which one of the two is happy to see you.”

My writing and sailing friend Rich concluded, “It's a organizational thing, the man holds the dog’s leash and the woman holds the man’s leash.”  My college roomie had a similar thought, “When men do not buy women diamonds, men end up in the dog house.  It makes sense to make friends where you spend your time.  I suspect I am not the only one suggesting this.”

My neighbor Al believes “Because man got to pick first. Would you rather have a loyal friend and companion or a rock?”  To this, my dad’s beach buddy Bob added, “and sometimes the diamond’s recipient turns out to be a dog.”

My musically talented friend Blair suggested, "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" makes for a much better song lyric and production number!”  And my sailing and horse-loving friend
Jodie shared, “Guess I don't fit the stereotype. When my X gave me diamonds, I thanked him. When he got me a load of composted horse manure, I was ecstatic and told everyone I knew.  As for the latter, I think "man" is the generic term, covering both sexes.  Signed Jodie, whose best friend is Harley the Tennessee Walking Horse who provides all the manure she can use. P.S. Anyone know where I can get a good price for a lightly used diamond ring?”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Can you take comfort when the high temps are in the low 100's?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


Our thoughts are with those in the mid-Atlanta and Midwest, who are dealing with the heat during power outages caused by Derechos and in CO/UT dealing with wildfires.  We are all smart enough to get through this. 

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Independence Day 236 on the 4th.