In response to last week’s question, “With so many foods
tasting like chicken, what does chicken taste like?”, my videographer friend
Ivan scarily wrote, “Cat. Anyone want to disagree?”
My friend Swany concluded, “Chicken tastes like mature
eggs.” My friend Richard concurred, “An over-developed egg. Which
reminds me of what the chicken said when she saw the plate of scrambled
eggs: ‘What a bunch of mixed up kids!’”
My colleague Kelly noted, “Since Folks Restaurant’s side
dishes lists Chicken and Dumplings as a veggie, it seems that to them, it
tastes like broccoli!”
My Dish friend John observed, “With so
many cooks' chicken tasting like rubber, the question should be ‘what
does rubber taste like?’”
My birthday bud Jon replied, “It tastes like so many
foods. Duh.” Then my college roomie John countered, “Chicken tastes
like chicken” to which my Klezmer-playing friend Ira added, “Everything else
tastes like, but not the same, as chicken. Except beef, which tastes like
My dad’s beach buddy Bob added, “What other food is
there?” My sailing friend Jim answered the challenge, writing “frog.” My
neighbor Al expounded, “As I learned, and ate, in my survival training
chicken tastes exactly like grilled copperhead snake. Kind of a cross
between copperhead and frog legs.”
My sailing and writing friend Rich expounded on this, “No matter
how you slice it, free range or farm raised, grilled, baked or fried, naked or
dressed (skin on or skin off), bone in or bone less, nuggets, wings or tenders,
with BBQ sauce or without, in a salad with a baked potato fully loaded, it
still tastes like alligator tail.”
And then my friend with a beautiful singing voice, Blair
cautioned, “What ever it is, please don’t put that other stuff in my chicken
Please share your
thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
When does a wart not
Life is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss
slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive quickly.
Here’s some great advice from my friend John, “Policy is not a
reason not to think.”