Monday, January 28

Is there mandatory volunteerism?

In response to last week’s question, “Is there mandatory volunteerism?",  my sailing friend Brad responded without indicating any personal experience, "Sure there is, but I think the judge called it 'community service'."

My dad's beach buddy Bob echoed my sailing friend Tom's recollection, "Anyone with military experience knows that mandatory volunteerism is a given. I was volunteered multiple times in my military career, the first time by my local draft board."  My equestrian friend Royce wasn't sure if he could challenge such an instruction, "It's mandatory volunteerism?" 

My marketing friend Mark observed, "Morally: yes, but in reality, nothing is mandatory."

However, my friend Kosol's survival instinct knew better, "Yes, there's another word for it, "honey do list" It's mandatory that I volunteer to do what's on the list."  My writing and sailing friend Rich expounded, "The last time I volunteered was to say 'I do' at the wedding.  After that, all the volunteering has been done for me by my bride. 'Rich would be happy to  move the piano down four flights of stairs and back up three to your new apartment, Yes, he is a sweetheart, why don't you and I go get a cup a tea and slice of cheesecake, we would just be in his way.' Now I don't have to move the piano, I don't have to hold my breath under water either if I don't want to. But somehow, both seem kinda mandatory."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Why do we sit in the stands? (in honor of Super Bowl week, from my friend  Elliott B.)

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.

Monday, January 21

What can you get a leg up on?

In response to last week’s question, “What can you get a leg up on?",  my business collaboration friend Andy replied, "A horse of course."  My horse riding friend Royce added, "It's an equestrian expression meaning that you are getting a leg up on your horse. Damn. A legitimate non-wise ass reply."  And my horse owning friend Jodie continued, "My Harley Horse! But I don't need one. He's very good about sideling up to things so I can 
get on him easily."

My friend Richard observed, "Well, you have to get your leg up on the hurdles if you run track. Otherwise you’ll fall and break your nose."

My dad's beach buddy Bob noted, "A fence if you raise it high enough, but at my age the hamper in the living room will do."   My business collaboration friend Mark then related, "For me it is more an issue of what I can get a leg down seems more challenging every day to get a leg down on the floor in the morning. Then the other one. The older I get, the harder it seems to get out of bed."

My birthday bud Jon wrote, "A tripod.  Three times."  And my cycling friend Ted shared, "Oh I can think of lots of things, but I will keep it clean. So let's just say my bicycle!"

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is there mandatory volunteerism?  (in honor of our national day of service honoring Dr Martin Luther King)

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.

Monday, January 7

What New Year’s resolution will you not keep?

In response to last week’s question, “What New Year’s resolution will you not keep?”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob declared, “To die young.”

My cousin Don and neighbor agree concurred, “That I'll keep my New Years resolutions.”  My friend Royce was a bit more descriptive as he wrote, “Every damn one! At least I'm honest.”

My birthday bud Jon responded, “To stop replying to Hal’s “Hmmm” emails. Oh, damn!  Blew it already.”

My friend Richard replied, “Actually, I keep my one resolution EVERY year, because I resolve every year to make no other New Year’s resolutions!” 

My friend Kosol lamented, “If I didn't keep a resolution for last year, it definitely ain't happening this year although I do hope and wish for greater things to come this year.” 

My musical friend Bruce advised, “This year (now that I'm retired again), I will keep ALL of them... you see, the difference between goals and accomplishment is nothing more than true discipline!”   To this my college roomie observed, “I guess I need to make some resolutions.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is nomophobia* an age related issue?

According to Oxford Dictionary's 2012 word of the year list, Nomophobia is the anxiety caused by being without one’s mobile phone [from no + mo(bile) + phobia]

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.    

Regards to George Carlin, Demetri Martin and Steven Wright.