response to last week’s question, " Why would someone say 'We're expecting
some weather today'?" , Bruce, my friend at The Weather Channel shared,
" Because that person wants to always be right." To this, my
friend Royce proposed, "They don't like commitment."
writing and sailing friend Rich explained, "Because it doesn't matter
whether it's hot or cold, whether it's dry or wet, whether it's windy or calm,
there will always be weather, whether you like it or not."
dad's beach buddy Bob replied, "Only a person under the weather would not
know the difference between weather and wether.*
always insightful cousin Sunny (, offered,
"Because they live in Arizona and anything involving clouds or
precipitation is called “weather”! ;-) " To this, my very
musical engineering friend Blair surmised, "If they live in San Diego
where every day is basically the same, they normally have no
flying and cycling friend Ted noted, "As a pilot, if we are expecting some
weather, we may need a barf bag. There also happens to be a term for when there
is no weather-- the term is CAVU-- Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited."
Please share your
thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
When is it too much ?
Life may not be the party we had
hoped for, but while we're here we should dance (and laugh).
*Wether is a castrated
male sheep.
On a personal note from my
birthday bud Adam, " Wore my Parrotheads Atlanta shirt again this weekend,
takes a licking and keeps on ticking." It's nice to hear that my
friends have their priorities and are doing well…..
[Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for
the inspiration.]