Monday, September 29

When a person adopts a dog or cat from a rescue, who rescues who?

In response to last week’s question, "When a person adopts a dog or cat from a rescue, who rescues who?," my social media friend Mark concluded, "We rescue the pet. The pet rescues everyone around," to which my dad's beach buddy Bob advised, "The owner of course.  The owner is the dog.  Ever see who leads who going down the street?"

My feline-rescuing (in a big way) friend Tracey shared, "I guess the obvious answer is that they rescue each other. We were perilously close to adopting a 10 year old dog from PetsMart on Saturday. Rescuing an animal is the best feeling in the world."   To this, my project mgmt friend KJ added, "It all depends on the needs of the pets and their humans. I have 2 doggie rescues. In my case, we rescued each other before any of us really knew what was happening. It just all worked out in the end."

My business collaboration friend Paul concurred, "It can go both ways.  When we rescued Sonny, he was older, diabetic, funky looking. We truly rescued that dog, and in the process, came to love him dearly.  When Sonny passed away, we picked up Minnie, a cute little puppy - she has rescued us from the grief over the loss of Sonny."   

Then my friend Bruce shared an entirely different perspective, "It is neither the product (dog or cat) nor the purchaser (you) that is rescued.  The dog or cat is being cared for; you are purchasing a product for which you will be imprisoned to time and physical debt.  The place that you purchased to dog or cat from is being rescued from further debt."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “: '

Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not  make just one?

Never miss an opportunity to do something that makes you smile!


Thanks to my dog rescue friends Ken & Nancy for organizing another fun dog hike and allowing Sarah to spend the afternoon with their 3-pack.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.
Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


Monday, September 22

It is possible to decide to be undecided?

In response to last week’s question, " It is possible to decide to be undecided?," my social media friend Mark believes, "Yes, absolutely. I think" to which my birthday bud Jon added, "Yes, but of course you can change your mind about it."  To this, my engineering friend Steve noted, "Of course, hence the quote, 'If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.'"

My wise friend Richard advised, "Nope. To decide not to decide is to decide. That said, indecision is the key to flexibility."  And my collaboration buddy Paul concurred, "Sure.  A sign of maturity is recognizing that more is gray than black and white."

My cycling friend Ted explained, "Well according to the wisdom of my beloved wife, we can 'Agree to Disagree', therefore logic would dictate that we can also 'decide to be undecided.'"

My dad's beach buddy Bob replied, "It is a political ploy.  Should I have been undecided before I said I DO 62 years ago?  Hmmmm."  To this, my writing and sailing friend Rich cautioned, "I think 'I don't care, you pick' is a legitimate choice as long as you understand that you are giving up your right to complain bout it later."

My equestrian friend Royce lamented, "Alas, plans to write my autobiography have been compromised by a single statement."  My writing friend Stan responded, "Sure, it’s possible to decide to be undecided – especially when you want to mess with election pollsters."  And my cousin Wes wrote, "Sure -- just decode this to procrastinate on deciding and you will be undecided. Sort of like being agnostic."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “: '

When a person adopts a dog or cat from a rescue, who rescues who?

Never miss an opportunity to do something that makes you smile!


Best wishes to our friend Capt Phil, who takes over the dockmaster role at the sailing club.  Remember, "it never happened."

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.
Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


Monday, September 15

Can you have flabs to steel?

In response to last week’s question, "Can you have flabs to steel?,"  my friend Richard noted that, "If you have too much flab, you can have “flabs to steal,” but not “flabs to steel,” to which my collaboration friend Paul added, "If you’re a middle-aged guy like me, it’s very likely that you have flabs to steal."

My sailing friend Kurt replied, "Don't know about Flabs of Steel, but I keep my Six Pack Abs in a cooler."  My cycling friend Ted concurred, "If I can truthfully state I have a Six Pack (in the fridge of course!), then I probably have Flabs of Steel!"

While my equestrian friend Royce answered simply, "Yes I do!," my dad's beach buddy Bob shared, "Perhaps.  I have told my grandchildren that I have a bronzed body of tempered steel.

My Noshfest friend Lon responded, "It's a matter of semantics. It could be turning flabs to steel, or having flabs of steel," to which my social media friend Mark requested, "I wish someone would steal my flabs."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

It is possible to decide to be undecided?

Never miss an opportunity to do something that makes you smile!


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.
Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


Monday, September 8

If I blame you, did I say it was your fault?

In response to last week’s question, "If I blame you, did I say it was your fault?," my writing and sailing friend Rich noted that, "Every woman in my life is able to blame me without actually saying it was my fault," to which my creative Facebooking friend Tracey confirmed, "Yes.... especially if blaming a spouse."

My engineering friend Steve recalled, "Isn’t that called a scapegoat? In a former job I was blamed for all kinds of things that the bosses knew were their fault."

My dad's beach buddy Bob queried, "Not if it is stated as a double negative.  Then it would mean the opposite wouldn't it?

And my creative filmmaking friend Ivan advised, "Perhaps, but more important is you show how terribly wrong you can be."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Can you have flabs to steel? (from my friend Ty)

Never miss an opportunity to do something that makes you smile!


If you enjoy a good parody, click to see Ikea's parody of the Mac Airbook ad.

We're grateful that my running and construction friend Fred has returned home after his open heart surgery last week. 

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.
Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


Tuesday, September 2

If you are "careless", does that mean you care some?

In response to last week’s question, "If you are "careless", does that mean you care some?," my social media friend Mark replied, "More or less," while my dad's beach buddy Bob explained, "It only means that you are absent minded."

My cousin Wes determined, "Some say less is more.  On the other hand, I could care less means I care enough to be able to care less.  So maybe it means I care just a tiny bit but not enough to take caring actions." Then my friend Richard concluded, "Nope. It’s a shortened form of 'care less than 0.' ”."

My writing and sailing friend Rich advised, "I would only want to care more as long it was carefree."

My equestrian friend Royce countered, "If you care some, and/or more, then that means you aren't careless doesn't it?"  My Parrothead friend Samantha cautioned, "Yes.  Careless means less than full and more than free.  So, caring more about answering an email than seeing the hole in the road would be careless. Beware as the zombie phone-pocalypse trip in coordination."

My collaboration friend Paul observed, "It makes me think of a certain enterprise's internal culture ‘brand’ of ICARE.   For years, we joked that it meant “I CARE only about my(self/BU/department)” or should be preceded by 'Like.' "    

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
If I blame you, did I say it was your fault?
Never miss an opportunity to do something that makes you smile!


A huge 'thank you' to my Noshfest partner, Barbara, the score of people who helped plan Noshfest over the past 11 months, and the hundred-plus volunteers that made Noshfest a tasty, fun time this week.  That's "community"

And best wishes to my running and construction friend Fred with his open heart surgery today.  Many prayers for you and your surgeon.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.
Stop by to see what else I'm up to.