Monday, February 23

Is there anything better than being President of one of most influential nations on the planet?

In response to last week’s question, "Is there anything better than being President of one of most influential nations on the planet?", my temple friends Tracey and Lesley both agreed, "Yes.... being the past president of anything is always better."  My birthday bud Jon then explained, "Being ex-President,  you can work for four years and then get a great pension, office expenses, and chauffeur service for the rest of your life. Don’t know about you, but that beats the hell out my pension program!"

My sailing friend Mike suggested, "Vice President.  Good pay, good living arrangements, no work."

My writing and sailing friend Rich responded, "Being the benevolent dictator and sole citizen of a well-stocked deserted island."     My collaboration friend Pau counted, "Sure - a left handed pitcher.  They make lots more $ for a lot less hassle."  And my equestrian friend Royce imagined, "How about an endless supply of single malt Scotch, good wine, and being held captive by a group of nymphomaniac Sofia Vergara look alikes...."

My hiking friend Kelly pondered, "I wouldn’t know…  I’ve not heard from the President of China on the subject."

My social media friend Mark noted, "Yes, anything."  To this, my new transportation friend Joe shared results of his interviewing skills, "'I ask myself that question every day” from Hillary Clinton. 'Don’t ask me' from Mitt Romney.  And 'Damn Hanging Chads' from Al Gore."

And then my dad's beach buddy Bob counseled, "Yes, getting rid of one of the most incompetent in the history of the nation. "

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “: 

Can you have an electronic paper trail?

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


Monday, February 16

Can you be too romantic? and a Presidents' Day question

In response to last week’s question, "Can you be too romantic?", my equestrian friend Royce confidently wrote, "Yes and I consider it a handicap."

My new logistics friend Joe declared, "With your boss, your wife’s sister and your proctologist: YES!"   My neighbor Al expounded on this, "Yep, just ask my ex-wives. (In reality, Elaine and I are coming up on 33 years!)"

My dad's beach buddy Bob recalled, "Certainly after a great dinner and a bottle of good wine" while my BBQ friend Alan challenged, "Never, if it involves your wife!"  To this, my cousin Wes agreed, "Not for your spouse. For someone you want to date, though, it would be considered stalking."  My cycling friend Ted then explained, "The brain has a special center that activates the gag reflex when necessary. It's a protective mechanism that can save your life(and marriage!)"

My temple friend Lesley reminisced about being too romantic, "Yes. The line, "Ouch, my tooth hurts. I must have a cavity because you are so sweet," got me a wife, child, mortgage, etc."

My collaboration friend Paul observed, "Given how much girls like slimy, yes."

And my writing and sailing friend Rich suggested, "Ask Pepe' Le Pew's girlfriend.  "Where are you Pigeon? I am looking for you.""

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is there anything better than being President of one of most influential nations on the planet?

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


Monday, February 9

Do you have a shadow at night? and a Valentine's Day question

In response to last week’s question, "Do you have a shadow at night?",  my birthday bud Jon replied, "I think so, but I’m paranoid."  To this, my engineering friend Steve offered "Let me get a flashlight and I’ll check."

My writing friend Stan shared, "I used to. But now he's old and sleeps through those times when I wake up."

My sailing friend Norm explained, "Of course you have a shadow --it's just too dark to see!" to which my writing and friend Rich concisely noted, it's "a Dark Shadow."

My dad's beach buddy Bob pointed out, "Always in the moonlight," to which my feline loving friend Tracey declared, "Absolutely! Cat Stevens said it best, 'I'm being followed by a moon shadow.'"   My dog rescue friend Kate expounded, "Last night, we watched the sun set west of the big Island as we concurrently watched a full moon rise in the north.    Two shadows."

And my BBQ friend Alan responded, "If his name is Punxsutawney Phil, and it’s Feb 2nd, he always sees his shadow" even though it's oh-dark thirty when he is pulled from his habitat.

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “: 

Can you be too romantic?

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  


Was anyone else required to memorize Robert Lewis Stevenson's My Shadow (

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


Monday, February 2

What makes the Super Bowl so super? and Groundhog Day update

In response to last week’s question, " What makes the Super Bowl so super?", my temple friend Paul replied, "Regretfully I can’t think of anything, I feel so deflated."

Fortunately my writing Stan had an answer, "It's so over the top - and sometimes you get a really good football game, too," to which my Utah friend Bruce described the super as "Marketing..."    My temple friend Richard then added, "Well, there usually are a lot of great commercials, and the food at Super Bowl parties is typically first-rate*.  As for the game:  Meh. (About 70% of the time, the game is a blowout, including last year’s 43-8 demolition of the Denver Broncos by the Seattle Seahawks.), and the pregame shows start about 10 hours before kick-off (When the hype takes 3 times as long as the game, the game almost always has to be a letdown.). Let the festivities begin!     *It should be noted that Super Bowl Sunday is the 2nd highest caloric intake day of the year in the US.

My equestrian friend Royce noted, "All of the Winners get to go to Disney Land and meet Mr. Measles."

My sailing friend Jim asked, "Is it?" to which my engineering friend Steve explained, "The commercials of course!" and my feline loving friend Tracey  added, "the ads and the food."

My birthday bud Jon wrote what makes the Super Bowl super is "Joe Namath."  With my being a Baltimore Colts fan, I guess we equal in not getting over some things.

My other equestrian friend Jodie responded, "This year it's because the Patriots are in it. I will even seek out a TV to watch it. I may not even take a book with me. Perhaps I'd best look somewhat informed and find out who the other team is. Here Google Google!"

And my dad's beach buddy Bob shared, "We have a super bowl here.  You pay $25, get a designer bowl and all the soup you can eat. The funds go to pay for a Habitat House.  BTW: All the Patriots players would vote for their coach and the diamond rings he will get for them."   To this, my temple friend Paul added, "A wild boar would root for Belichik like a truffle in the ground.  Hmmm, come to think of it, I don’t think a boar would root for him either.   GO JETS!"

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Do you have a shadow at night?

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  


Thanks to technology, groundhogs now provide regional prognostication.  Check out this link for regional results, where Atlanta's General Beauregard Lee is rated as #3 in the US.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by to see what else I'm up to.