Monday, March 28

Is Spring Nature's way of saying "Let's Party? plus a March Madness question

In response to last week’s question, "Is Spring Nature's way of saying "Let's Party?," my temple friend Lesley observed, "Yes it is, from a plant's perspective. What else would one call an event that you wake up and then eat, drink, have constant sex (pollination), cause other organisms to have sex, and trash the area around you (pollen everywhere)."    My Parrothead friend Samantha confirmed this, "Only for the plants.  Hence, pollen or plant confetti," to which my equestrian friend Royce qualified it saying, "Provided the pollen doesn't kill ya."

My social media friend Mark replied, "The 1st day of Spring is not too late, but the party started when that first daffodil bloomed. It is OK to  come fashionably late and endure the pollen reserved for those who wait."  "For this year," my PR friend Stan noted, "it’s a reminder to put on your winter coat. Brrrr!"

My cousin Valarie wrote, "Better than balloons and streamers are the fragrant flowering trees and the bright blooms freshly pushed up through warm, soft soils. Yes, spring is an invitation to the party that celebrates life anew and renewed."

And my dad's beach buddy Bob offered words of encouragement, "In my back yard, it is party time.  The music is mostly by the different types of birds...then we break out the grill for some brats, a cold beer and a lot of good cheer."

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is Madness good when it's not in March?

Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably And never regret anything that made you smile!   


What a great birthday present y'all got for me.   The Syracuse Orange were losing to Virginia rather quickly, down 8 and 10 points,  and even down by 14 points in the 2nd half.  And thanks to the full court press and several people wearing the right tshirts, y'all arranged for Syracuse to win by 6 and head to the Final Four this weekend.  Let's Go Orange!    And my wife's carrot-cake birthday cake made for an ideal celebration.

PS:  Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, March 21

On St. Patty's day, you are supposed to wear green or risk being pinched. Which do you prefer?

In response to last week’s question, "On St. Patty's day, you are supposed to wear green or risk being pinched.  Which do you prefer?,"  my writing and sailing friend Rich observed, "Depends on who is doing the pinching and how.  Much like whether you are naked or nekked, makes a world of difference in the experience."   

While my equestrian friend Royce wrote, "Being pinched, but only in the right place(s),"  my PR friend Stan and engineering friend Steve were more general, "It depends on where and by whom."  To this, my dad's beach buddy Bob shared, "Being pinched is OK depending on where it is.  Some are merely "Green with envy".  My Ruth is a 1/2 a Wild  Irish Rose.  The other half is French.  I like that."

My cycling friend Ted replied, "Pinch me 'till I turn green!! Then give me a beer and I won't care!"

 My social media friend Mark noted, "I'd prefer to wear seems it is always the wrong ones who pinch you on St. Pat's Day."  Then my dog rescue and equestrian friend Jodie explained, "Depends upon who is doing the pinching!  I'm half Irish but still always forget to wear green. Oh that's alright; I live and work alone. Back to cuckoo clocks..." 

My network engineering friend Andrew cautiously concluded, "Do you mean "pinched?" In the American English sense of "physically touched" or "pinched" in the British English sense of "stolen (from)"? Not sure I want either, so I will probably wear green."

And my temple Richard simply deduced, "I prefer a pinch of corned beef."

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is Spring Nature's way of saying "Let's Party?"  thanks to Robin Williams

Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably And never regret anything that made you smile!   


OK, so technically, March 20 is the first day of Spring instead of the typical March 21 because of, well, do ya know?  The Spring Equinox is on the 20th because is a leap year.  And that should make your day.  ;-) 

Happy Birthday do my birthday buds Adam, James, Jon -- and Mariah -- this Sunday.  Lot's of celebrations planned for Sunday.

PS:  Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, March 14

Have you said "yes I can" but thought what's the point?

In response to last week’s question, "Have you said "yes I can" but thought what's the point?,"  my friend Tracey lamented, "I say it every time I vote," to which my hiking friend Kelly added, "when I vote for President."

My videographer friend Ivan proffered, "IWouldIfICouldAndIKnowThatIShouldButICan'tSoIWon't."

My networking friend Andrew mimicked, "Yes I can respond to your question but what is the point? "

My writing and sailing friend Rich recalled, "Reminding the new boss that we tried that strategy and 2 years ago, 4 years ago and 6 years ago, it did not work then either."

My equestrian friend Royce replied, "Of course," to which my cycling friend Ted added, "Only with 'certain' friends (whom I will not mention names!)"

And my dad's beach buddy Bob advised, "Never.  When you say "Yes I can" when no one else are the one who excels and moves ahead of the pack."
Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

On St. Patty's day, you are supposed to wear green or risk being pinched.  Which do you prefer?

Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably And never regret anything that made you smile!   


PS:  Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, March 7

What do you do with an extra day in your year (i.e. Leap Day)?

In response to last week’s question, "What do you do with an extra day in your year?,"  my writing and sailing friend Rich wrote to no one's surprise, "Call in sick and go sailing.  If they are not going to pay me any more for working an extra day, then I think the day is better spent sailing."  My DISH and dog-loving friend Mark concurred with Rich, "What do I do with an extra day this year? Work for free."

My Parrothead friend Samantha added poetically, "In an ideal situation, an extra 24 hours would be spent on a boat, floating nowhere on the waves.  Since I am on my way to work, I will board that boat in my mind instead.  May the waves keep all of our dreams afloat!"

My dad's beach buddy Bob surmissed, "Make up for all the things I forgot to do yesterday or didn't have time to get to for lack of time.  I need one of those every month."   And my PR friend Stan concurred, "I'd get realigned – and put an end to that old saying: 'If only I had more time…' ”

My temple friend Richard lamented, "Same as any other day:  I try to cram 2 or 3 days’ work into that day!"

My networking friend Andrew shared some fun factoids about Leap Day, "Did you know that there is no Leap Day in years divisible by 100, except for years divisible by 400? What this means is that 1900 had no Feb. 29, and 2100 will not have one, but the year 2000 did have a Feb. 29. For most of us alive right now, this exception is irrelevant, but curious nonetheless. Growing up, this was always the day when girls could ask boys out (back when that sort of thing didn't occur regularly)."

While my equestrian friend Royce challenged, "You really don't want to know *:D big grin," my cousin Wes suggested, "Maybe something I don't what to commemorate for another 4 years.  Like saying, 'Happy Leap Day.' "

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Have you said "yes I can" but thought what's the point?   from my friend Jim C

Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably And never regret anything that made you smile!    Hal

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to