Tuesday, May 30

What is the right kind of crazy?

In response to last week’s question, "What is the right kind of crazy?,"  my dad's beach buddy Bob declared, "Obviously when you are crazy in love" while my birthday bud Jon lamented, "NOT the kind that won the election!"

My temple friend Bob advised, "It's just below the level where you qualify to be put in the home."   My adjunct-executive friend Lindy pontificated, "Is it a kind or an amount?  :-)  It's the non-painful kind of crazy. My 20 year old son, Tucker, said, 'the kind of crazy that balances your own crazy; the kind you can handle.'  For me, there has to be an ex-spouse joke in here – I’m not the right kind of crazy or he wasn’t."

My sailing friend Kurt shared, "According to that great philosopher Jimmy Buffet "If we weren't all Crazy, we'd all go insane" but he fails to specify what kind of crazy. My preference is sailing crazy. Why else would I spend so much time and money going nowhere slowly."

My production manager friend Ray called out, "And I quote from Billy Joel, You May Be Right, 'I may be crazy, but it may just be a lunatic you're looking for' (more lyrics at bottom of this message)."   My IT consultant Kosol added, "The right kind of crazy is when you 'gotta feeling, a feeling that tonight is going to be a good good night.'  courtesy of the Black Eyed Peas."  And my equestrian friend Royce wrote that, "It reminds me of an old Paul Simon song, Still Crazy...."

Then please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

When someone says "That's interesting," how do you know if it is interesting-good or interesting-bad? (from my sales expert friend Paul)

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


My birthday bud Jon shared that we was impressed that my circle of friends is so wide that I even have adjunct friends.  Lindy, thanks for making me look good.

Ray took the time to share Billy Joel's lyrics.  And you're welcome to enjoy a live performance via the link above.

Friday night I crashed your party
Saturday I said I'm sorry
Sunday came and trashed me out again
I was only having fun
Wasn't hurting anyone
And we enjoyed the weekend for a change

You may be right
I may be crazy
But it may just be a lunatic you're looking for
Turn out the light
Don't try to save me
You may be wrong for all I know
But you may be right

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

Monday, May 22

How fast is a 'jiffy'?

In response to last week’s question, "How fast is a 'jiffy'?," my writing and sailing friend Rich professed, "If you ask my wife, eight months, fourteen days, six hours, nine minutes and counting from the last time I said that I would clean the garage in a jiffy."

My adjunct executive friend Lindy observed, "A jiffy seems to be either long, as when somebody tells me I’ll be back in a jiffy and I seem to wait and wait and wait; or it’s very short, as when I tell someone I will be done in a jiffy and it takes me longer than I expected.  Either way, a jiffy is always the wrong amount of time, either too long or too short." And then my birthday bud Jon queried, "Creamy or smooth?"

My temple friend Vivian noted, "I believe that answer would depend on your age.  My jiffy twenty years ago is definitely not my jiffy now." 

My technology marketing friend Rashida first response was "For me, saying I'll be there in a "jiffy" means I'm moving faster than usual to get to where I'm going."  (Thank you, Rashida.)

As points of reference, the thoughts were
my temple friend Richard:           Not as a fast as a “in a blink of the eye,” but faster than “in a flash”.
my dad's beach buddy Bob:        Just in front of a dash and a rush.
my temple friend Tracey:             More than a second and less than a while. 
my sister-in-law Lorrie:                  Jiffy is slower than 'in a jif."
my marketing friend Megan:      Just slightly longer than my grandmother’s favorite -- “two shakes of a lamb’s tail”.
my interfaith friend Ann:              More than a New York minute but less than "pretty quick"
my social media friend Mark:      Way faster than ASAP | A bit slower than RUSH | Slower than YESTERDAY | Faster than IT'S IN THE MAIL | Slower than THE BOSS SAID NOW.

My neighbor Al, who appreciates science, called out, "It all depends on the context.  It is approximately the amount of time it takes light to travel one centimeter in a vacuum.  Approximately 33.3564 picoseconds.  In electronics, it is one cycle of alternating current.  So 1/60 or 1/50 of a second depending upon where you live. In computing, it is the time for two clock ticks of your processor.  So that varies with the processor speed………..and in "wife" time, as in "I'll be ready in a jiffy" snail racing comes to mind."

 My sailing friend Kurt shared, "It depends on who's jiffy you are talking about, according to Jiffy Lube about 10 minutes, per my wife way shorter," while my cycling friend
Ted felt, "at Jiffy Lube it seems to be a few hours!"

And my equestrian friend Royce was wondering, "As in Jiffy Mart?"

Then please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

What is the right kind of crazy? (from my sailing friend Rich)

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

Monday, May 15

If I don’t call or e-mail to catch up with you, does that mean I'm ahead of you?

In response to last week’s question, "If I don’t call or e-mail to catch up with you, does that mean I'm ahead of you?," my temple friend Tracey joked, "I'd think it means you really don't want anything to do with me. Hahaha."

My dad's beach buddy Bob replied, "More likely is that I have been forgotten" while my sailing friend Kurt noted, "No, just that I'm much further behind."    "Bottom line," called out my equestrian friend Royce, "NAAAAA.  We're good."

Then please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

How fast is a 'jiffy'?

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

Monday, May 8

What is worth acquiring a taste for?

In response to last week’s question, "What is worth acquiring a taste for?," my jeweler friend Bill suggested, "Most anything that someone else is paying for." 

My writing and sailing friend Rich advised, "The yummy delicious things from the menu of life" to which my dad's beach buddy Bob expounded, "Fine wine and a good cigar sitting by the seaside on a warm evening."   And my favorite Habitat for Humanity leader Henry recommends, "Good Friends."

My equestrian friend Royce challenged, "It depends on what you want to acquire a taste for" to which my business coaching friend Lindy shared, "I am opting to choose the obvious food items . . . eventually too much of a good material thing, isn't. Lobster, chocolate, alcohol, in too large or too often consumed portions, can lead to negative consequences. So I think it's worth developing a taste for sincerity, honesty, wisdom, and a fabulous work ethic. More of these can never be a bad thing.

And my hiking friend Kelly proposed, "Poverty."

Then please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

If I don’t call or e-mail to catch up with you, does that mean I'm ahead of you?  from my friend Henry

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

Monday, May 1

What is so bad that it is soap 'scum'?

In response to last week’s question, "What is so bad that it is soap 'scum'?", my dad's beach buddy Bob suggested, "A lieing politician?.....No one that continues to say the same lie."

My PR friend Stan queried, "Doesn’t soap scum have a cleansing effect against the scum of the earth?"

My equestrian friend Royce asked, "Does anyone really care?"   Based on the small number of responses, it is "no," or that the question was too difficult to figure out that when you consider soap is a positive and scum is a negative, when combined, the result is a negative.  Thus, scum is tougher than soap.  Vinegar and hydrogren peroxide are stronger than soap, which is why you won't hear about vinegar scum or hydrogen peroxide scum.

Then please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

What is worth acquiring a taste for?  from my sailing friend Phil

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


Wishing you a happy Cinco de Mayo, a holiday that America restaurants celebrate.   Our friends in Mexico observe Sep 16 as Mexico's Independence Day, with May 5 celebrating the Battle of Puebla.  Here's to commercialism.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.