In response to last week's question, "How do those dead bugs get in to those enclosed light fixtures? ", with no political correctness, my college roomie John noted, "to a bug, the light is Heaven with the number of virgins there tied to the bulb's wattage."
My Earthlink friend Lisa and friend Tracey concurred, writing, "at the end of their insect lives , they head toward the light. How they actually get into the fixture is a mystical question. " My birthday bud Jon agrees that "they saw the light" adding "and they weren't dead when they got in."
My sailing buddy Caroline attributed it to the same mystical force that causes socks to mysteriously disappear in the dryer.
My cousin Wes concluded "Scottie beamed them in" while my friend Richard explained, " Bugs worm their way in seeking enlightenment before they die. " My sailing buddy Scott thought this was some sort of death march.
Alas, my dad's beach friend Bob had the simpliest answer," They forgot to lighten-up ."
Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmmm' ":
Who was the lexicographer trying to help by calling a clover , which looks nothing like a rock, a sham-rock?
Live well......laugh often....have a good week.
Congratulations to Jon and Ruth, who daughter has her bat mitvah this Saturday.
Hal - this is terrific. I love your questions, but unfortunately, when I read them on Monday morning, I'm brain-dead. And then, undoubtedly due to my (advanced) age, I forget about the questions. But I'm happy to be entertained. Thank you! :-)
Great job from my creative better half....what fun for everyone to enjoy! Keep up the good work of challenging everyone to think outside the box while having a chuckle.
Love you!
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