Tuesday, June 24

Hmmm: Why is their no push for "natural dentistry" like there is for natural childbirth?

In response to last week's question, "Why is their no push for "natural dentistry" like there is for natural childbirth?" , my birthday bud Jon noted, "There used to be but it was like pulling teeth!"

My internet TV guru and sailing friend Jodie challenged, "This is like comparing apples and oranges. No, make that apples and Twinkies." And my dad's beach buddy Bob was overwhelmed by the question, saying "This is much too much to chew on."

Fortunately, several friends found answers. My friend Tracey declared, "There is nothing natural about a drill in your mouth. I'm off to take a xanax. Just the word dentistry puts me over the edge. " My wife's former roommate Ruth noted, "Because you do indeed need to PUSH in childbirth but there is no need to push in a dentist chair." And my new video and sailing friend Ivan explained that "Because Laughing gas is better than a spinal tap. BTW: Did you know the Dalai Lama refused novocaine? He wanted to Transcend Dental Medication. "

My observant friend Kathleen explained, "Because 'men' also experience the pain of dentistry. No way we'll be forgoing drugs here." Yet my satellite and rafting bud Steve challenged back, "Most of us don't like pain... as for natural childbirth, I can only blame the hormones!"

My wise friend Marlene concluded, "The outcome of the pain of childbirth is the incredible joy of holding your infant in your arms for the first time--and the pride of mother and father in the little miracle they have created. The outcome in the dentist's office is a bill and less pain--at least temporarily. " My sailing friend Scott concurred, "Nobody thinks of a dentist visit as a glorious occasion like childbirth."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmmm' " :

"They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. What should I do?"

Live well......laugh often....have a good week.

PS My leadership development expert Stuart added, "I don’t know about natural dentistry but I know a guy who got false teeth and now only eats take-out food."

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