Monday, November 24

What happens when you order a diet water?

In response to last week's question, “What happens when you order a diet water?”, my engineering friend Richard knows “you get mist!” My running friend Tony thought “you’d get an empty glass” while my jeweler friend Bill more optimistically thought “you get half a glass.” Leave it to my neighbor, Dick, though, to realize that “you get a clear powder!”

My colleague Chris believes “
After the laughter subsides from ordering this pleasant non-equity, you are brought filtered water (less rat droppings per mL).” My birthday bud Jon and former colleague Bob added, “You either get laughed at or overcharged; then they gladly accept your money.” My friend Patty explained that is because “you get charged for a “Tantalizing Aqua Product,” which my friend Steve noted “is usually accompanied by a big meal and rich dessert.”
My sailing buddy Kurt knew that it would be “half the calories of regular water and twice the price.” My friend Tracey observed, “I'm not sure what it does for your waistline, but I'm sure it makes your wallet lighter.”

My sailing and dog loving friend Jodie, who may have tried this, wrote, “You get nothing because the clerk probably doesn’t get it.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Last Thanksgiving, many people said, “Uuugh, I ate too much.”
Why will we gleefully do it again this year?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week.

Saturday, November 22

If a train stops at a train station, what happens to work at a work station?

In response to last week's question, ”If a train stops at a train station, what happens to work at a work station? “, not everyone agreed with my friend Richard and neighbor Stan that “work stops.” My college roomie John noted that a work station connects one to the Internet which enables shopping, email, research, YouTube, (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more), etc!” My cousin Wes added, “Work pauses when we get these fun emails, and then starts again, just like the train stops at the station for various transactions and starts again.”

My neighbor Dick challenged that work stations do not stop work. "Brakes stop a train at a train station. Coffee "Breaks" stop work at the work station.”

My favorite response was from my soon-to-be-published friend Kathleen, who wrote, “Work gets put on a side track until the important stuff like this is finished.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

What happens when you order a diet water?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week..

If a train stops at a train station, what happens to work at a work station?

In response to last week's question, ”If a train stops at a train station, what happens to work at a work station? “, not everyone agreed with my friend Richard and neighbor Stan that “work stops.” My college roomie John noted that a work station connects one to the Internet which enables shopping, email, research, YouTube, (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more), etc!” My cousin Wes added, “Work pauses when we get these fun emails, and then starts again, just like the train stops at the station for various transactions and starts again.”

My neighbor Dick challenged that work stations do not stop work. "Brakes stop a train at a train station. Coffee "Breaks" stop work at the work station.”

My favorite response was from my soon-to-be-published friend Kathleen, who wrote, “Work gets put on a side track until the important stuff like this is finished.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

What happens when you order a diet water?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week..

Monday, November 10

Why do the “Secret” Service agents wear outfits that make them so identifiable?

In response to last week's question, “Why do the “Secret” Service agents wear outfits that make them so identifiable?”, my sailing friend Scott noted, “Your question presumes that you have correctly identified all of the Secret Service agents.”

Presuming we have, my politically happy friend Kevin wrote, “Secret Service guys are like Men In Black. So obvious they are not identifiable.” My pumpkin carving friend BA discovered that “the only thing that's really "secret" is what they are whispering to each other through their little microphones and hearing in the ear pieces. Hmmm..., what are they whispering about?”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob wrote, “Because the secret is what's in the box, forget the label.”

My neighbor Al figured out “They are like street hookers. They are obvious, but what they do, and for how much is the secret.”

My birthday bud Jon pointed out “that there is actually an oxymoronically named division called -- really! -- Secret Service, Uniformed Division.

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

If a train stops at a train station, what happens to work at a work station? From my friend Stuart

Live well…..laugh often….be happy…have a good week….

Monday, November 3

What percentage of the candy haul do the parents get for providing the costume and security service while the kids trick or treat?

In response to last week's question, “What percentage of the candy haul do the parents get for providing the costume and security service while the kids trick or treat?,” my friend Tracey has “a 10% candy tax,” which she said the elementary school started. “However, because of my Weight Watchers program, there has been a tax cut this year for the middle-aged class.”

While my wise friend Kathleen wrote, “if the child is under the age of 6, it’s 0% because no one takes candy from a baby,” my birthday bud Jon wrote, “When our daughter was about 2, my wife Ruth had our daughter convinced that Halloween was when kids collect candy for their mothers!” Go Ruth!

My friend Mark, who has successfully done his share of parenting, explained “the House takes a variable % based on quality not quantity but seldom under 15%. It’s the adult’s responsibility to save our kids (plus the neighbors) from too much chocolate. We also trade with the kids if we see something better in their bag.” My cousin Jeff also focused on the quality issue when he wrote, “It depends on what percentage of the total is peanut butter cups.”

My running buddy Tony uses “a sliding scale based on the children's behavior. The parent is the judge and the judge's ruling is final…although there have been cases of candy bribery.”

Back to reality, my cousin Wes and friend Stephanie both thought the parents’ take was “100% of the cavity bill.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Why do the “Secret” Service agents wear outfits that make them so identifiable?

Live well…..laugh often….be happy…have a good week….