Monday, November 10

Why do the “Secret” Service agents wear outfits that make them so identifiable?

In response to last week's question, “Why do the “Secret” Service agents wear outfits that make them so identifiable?”, my sailing friend Scott noted, “Your question presumes that you have correctly identified all of the Secret Service agents.”

Presuming we have, my politically happy friend Kevin wrote, “Secret Service guys are like Men In Black. So obvious they are not identifiable.” My pumpkin carving friend BA discovered that “the only thing that's really "secret" is what they are whispering to each other through their little microphones and hearing in the ear pieces. Hmmm..., what are they whispering about?”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob wrote, “Because the secret is what's in the box, forget the label.”

My neighbor Al figured out “They are like street hookers. They are obvious, but what they do, and for how much is the secret.”

My birthday bud Jon pointed out “that there is actually an oxymoronically named division called -- really! -- Secret Service, Uniformed Division.

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

If a train stops at a train station, what happens to work at a work station? From my friend Stuart

Live well…..laugh often….be happy…have a good week….

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