Monday, May 11

How do you know what a deserted area looks like?”

In response to last week's question, “How do you know what a deserted area looks like?”, my friend Royce, birthday buddy Jon and colleague Bob all agreed: “Google Earth.”

My temple president friend observed, “after saying: " I've often found that a deserted area is what one finds immediately after asking “Do I have any volunteers to help with…?”” My sailing friend John referenced “Lake Lanier when the wind is blowing 20-25 and the temp is 20. Nary a boat was out there.” John also suggested “Peek into “New Employee Orientation” at GM or Chrysler?” My colleague Bob added, “ask someone who fled said deserted area for their insights: “Once the levee broke I figured it was time to leave the 7th ward for good! The place was wet, very wet.”

My neighbor Dick wrote, “We're going to a wedding in Walsh Colorado (population 659) in June. I will be able to report what a deserted area is like after that trip. P.S. if you are curious where Walsh is located, take out a map of NOWHERE and look right in the middle of it.” My colleague Chris added, “it is full of deserts…”

My neighbor Al wrote, “An egotist would say, "When I leave the area, I just turn around." My college roomie John, clearly not an egotist, wrote, “a deserted area is what the place turns into when I go out for a fun night.”

My quilting and sailing friend Jodie and new-dog owning friend Gian prefers to “
think about desserted areas thank you very much.” To which my Dad noted, “If the deserted area is the one at the end of the buffet table, I am sure it would all look good to me.” Note: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. :-)

She was not alone as my friend Steve wrote “It's got all the cakes and pies.” My running and music friend Ed said “You see cheesecakes, crème brulees, ice cream, etc.”
Tracey said it is “whipped cream with a cherry on top” while my friend Ruth added, “and chocolate.”

My sailing friend Kurt blew me away with his connection to the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, to which Kurt concluded, “Observation destroys the paradox” Whoa!'s_cat

For more: My flying friend Ted shared his Top 10 areas that should be deserted immediately (bottom of email).

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Do you turn the air conditioning up or down to get warm?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…

10 Areas that Should be deserted (courtesy of Dr Ted)
1- A Nude beach for a retirement home
2-A British Culinary School
3-A German Police Academy
4-A French Engineering Firm
5-A Mensa Club of a certain European country
6-An Alabama Dental Clinic ( The British Dental Clinic runs a close second)
7-Venezuela (My Venezuelan cousin did this 6 months ago)
8-A Jewelry store full of Jewish wives
9-The Titanic II
10-Buffalo NY ( Trust me I've lived there!!)

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