Monday, June 1

In response to last week’s question, “At what age is a baby no longer a baby?”, my wise friend Richard concluded, “I think it's when they start paying for rent and food. It's sort of like the old debate about when life begins.” Richard continued, “Some believe it begins at the moment of conception, others believe it's when the fetus is viable outside the womb. Life actually begins when the last kid leaves for college and the dog dies.”

My soon-to-be-biking friend Ed understands that “the Jewish view is when they graduate from Med school; however, my personal view is when they support themselves.” My cousin Wes had a similar thought, “A baby is no longer a baby when (s)he moves out and before (s)he returns home to live with Mom and Dad. Of course, Mom and Dad always think their baby is a baby which is why they let them move back home.”

My neighbor Al was told, “If it's a man .... my wife would say the age on his tombstone.”

My neighbor Dick happily replied, “Age is not a factor, some people (like me) refuse to "grow up"!” to which my dad’s beach buddy Bob agreed, “when it matures.” My flying friend Ted, however, thinks he him, “it will be 50! Phew, I've got a few years left!”

My birthday bud Jon, who is a father of 2, wrote, “When he or she says ’stop calling me a baby.’”
My friend Alan responded, “Your baby is always your baby…at least that's what my mom says!” My college roomie John concurred, “As long as Mom is around, you will always be her baby!” and considering that John is one of 13, that makes his mom an authority. And officially from a mom, my friend Tracey wrote, “To a mother, it’s when she dies. My boys will always be my babies; even the 6' tall 14 year old! I'm still my mother's baby.”

My temple friend Vivian, who is a mother and grandmother, summarized it all with, “I will always treat and respect my grown children as adults, but in my heart they will forever be my babies. The love, care, and concern never changes no matter what age they attain.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

What exactly can you get at a general store?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…

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