In response to last week’s questions, my sailing friend and artisan Kurt wrote, “don't women already have licensing authority on having children?” My neighbor Al came to the same conclusion when he wrote, “You only need a permit to carry a concealed weapon (gun, knife etc). Having a gun is an individual choice (unless you live in Kennesaw). In a similar way, you don’t need a permit to have sex with yourself (although the nuns would tell you that you’ll go blind). You do need a permit to have a baby: both sides have to agree. Unfortunately, we have a lot of stupid people having both.”
In support of such a permit, my running friend Tony wrote, “The concept of making individuals have to learn the rules and be tested on them, including demonstrating their abilities in a "road test" would be a novel idea for those looking to be parents. When you see kids having kids before they can legally drive it is a little hard to keep your opinions to yourself.” But my dad’s beach buddy Bob replied, “No worry, too many people are shooting blanks these days. If we have anymore permits, we will disappear from the earth as a species.”
“Only if you are going to shoot them, my friend Tracey recommends. “It seems the people who are most equipped to have children have problems doing so. However, young, unmarried, uneducated people seem more fertile than anyone else!”
My friend Alan voiced his opposition to a procreation permit, saying “Sue & I might not be able to get a permit. Fortunately, we have been blessed with Sam & Jonathan.” My friend Richard also opposed the permit while offering support for “a clean bill of health from a qualified mental health professional.”
“I would not be surprised if we don't see one once we get a government single-payer health care system in place,” my cousin Wes observed, “On the other hand, I think a permit of children would be very appropriate if we reverted to the Old Testament concept that it is the responsibility of parents to "cut off" (execute) their criminal children. That way parents may consider their child rearing responsibilities very carefully. And perhaps we could reduce the budgetary strain our penal system places on the economy.”
My world traveling friend Karen shared, “Actually, in China you do need a permit to have kids! With the government’s one-child policy, people have to apply for permission (and usually pay a heavy “tax”) for any kids after the first. Lots of Chinese put their daughters up for adoption so they can try again for a son who will care for them in their old age. Imagine what that’s like!”
Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":
When something fades in the sun, where does the color go? (from my neighbor Al)
Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…
My cousin Valarie, who enjoyed the lay/lie discussion, observed in last week’s question that the antecedent for having "one" is "gun" rather than "permit." She asked, “are you saying we need a gun for having kids?”
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