Monday, October 12

Have you ever met a happy medium?

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

If you are against picketing, how do you show it? (from my friend Chris)

In response to last week’s questions, “Have you ever met a happy medium?”, my friend Blair observed, “Sure. In general (while recalling last week's Hmmm... “Are all generalizations dangerous?”…. mediums are very happy, especially as compared with being extra larges. My friend Tracey concurred when she wrote, “Like sitting in a Captain's chairs instead of a bench in 2nd row of the minivan. That's a happy medium. Any woman who loses weight and fits into a medium is very happy!”

My clever friend Stuart concluded, “Getting to know a medium, Rare. I do know one medium well but he is only a happy medium when it is also a birthday. Then he is a happy birthday.”

“I did, once,” my colleague Effie wrote. “She only channeled ghosts of Disney movies past… retrospect, maybe she wasn’t “happy” so much as “maniacally insane”.

A business colleague and friend Dave shared his first hand experience, “Yes, my great-grandmother, the tea leaf reader in our family. And yes, she did it as her actual profession. She once told I'd meet a guy named Hal that would ask about her long after she had passed. Hmmm......”

My running friend Tony wrote, “Not in these trying economic times.” However, my cousin Wes believes that “they are all happy. After all, they know the future and are able to manipulate events to enable happiness.” To this, my sailing friend Kurt challenged, “I once met a happy medium but I think she was a fraud.”

My friend Richard observed that “a medium is happy after being paid at the end of the séance.” My dad’s beach buddy Bob agreed, “Only one that was finally connected with the supernatural.”
My college roomie John proposed, “This may be dangerous, but politically speaking, I would like to see a happy medium, i.e. some moderation.”
My neighbor Dick replied, “I have met a "happy wiccan" (witch), is that close enough?”

And to start your week, my sailing friend Kate left me smiling when she wrote, “The painter in me believes that finger paints are a happy medium. Charcoal is somehow serious. Acrylic & Oil are sophisticated. Clay is fun, but finger paint is happy. Ask any kid.”

Live well...laugh often and heartily….be happy and have a good week.

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