Monday, February 15

What is a day without sunshine?

In response to last week’s questions, “What is a day without sunshine?”, my college roomie John and my creative friend Jed both recalled George Carlin’s response, “night” and my friend Richard amended this to be “a very long night.” My friend Blair determined “A day without sunshine is a normal workday” to which my colleague Swany took this several levels further when he responded “One hour without sunshine is called an Eclipse. One day without sunshine is night. 5 straight days without sunshine is called a Work Week. Multiple weeks without sunshine is called an Alaskan winter. More than a year without sunshine might be called Marriage.”

My pilot friend Ted, said “based 10 year stint in Buffalo NY, it's a day in Buffalo!” My friend Jed added, “it would be an average day in Buffalo (and a day full of buffaloing buffalo...a la last week's hmmmm).” My birthday Bud Jon declared, “Binghamton, NY”, my friend Royce wrote, “last month,” my college roomie John wrote “winter solstice around the North Pole” and my friend Richard noted, “Atlanta in January.” To this, my dad’s beach buddy Bob added, “all while waiting for global warming.” My talent cousin Dana shared, “it’s a typical winter in Chicago. That's why I live in Colorado!”

My racing friend Dave wrote, “It's not a ‘good day’ based on being a Beatles fan. From the song Good Day Sunshine, ergo, no sunshine = not a good day.” (See Dave’s other recollection at the bottom of the email.)

My sailing friend Kate knew “It ‘s the day when Bill Withers' lady is away ;)
Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine Lyrics My brother-in-law Jay added, “Anyone recall the scene in "Notting Hill" when Bill Withers sings "Ain't No Sunshine" as Hugh Grant walks through the marketplace, transitioning through the four seasons? Always thought that was an inspired bit of movie magic and great use of special effects.”

My running friend Tony knew it was “one less day to run with shades and get a farmer's tan.” And my friend Tracey suggested “it’s day with an umbrella and galoshes.”

Trying to be positive, my sailing friend Kurt shared, “Depressing, however, usually it also means the wind is blowing. Sailing anyone?” And a definite positive, my friend Kevin submitted, “A day of napping.” My always positive friend Vivian added, “On overcast days, I think that above the clouds the sun is shining, so I take my thoughts above the clouds.--maybe that explains some things?!”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm'

How do you fight gravity?

Live well...laugh often and heartily….be happy, have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!

My friend Dave, while seeking his Beatles respond, noted that “all I know is that it made me want to "sing"*:
Aunt Jemima waffles, without her syrup
Is like the spring, without the fall
There's only one thing worse, in this universe
That's no Aunt Jemima at all

* And yes, I felt a need to look it up. The commercial ran from '68 to '75, in various versions, according to the corporate site. The YouTube version (what would we do without YouTube) that says 1967. I remember it as a kid, not a teenager, so I would think it more earlier than later.

But alas, a slightly different chorus, but the tune is the same ;-)

Ah - childhood commercials permanently embedded in the brain!

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