Monday, March 15

Seeing as how Alaska is substantially bigger than Texas, why is something large called "Texas Sized"?

In response to last week’s question, "Seeing as how Alaska is substantially bigger than Texas, why is something large called "Texas Sized?", my sailing and writing friend Rich noted, "Being the biggest is not nearly as important as believing you are the biggest." My dad's beach buddy Bob concluded that we don't say "Alaska-sized "because you couldn't eat it if it was frozen." And my dad added, " A Texas sized hamburger would be just large enough to get into your mouth. An Alaskan burger, being bigger, would have to be cut into smaller pieces to eat."

My birthday bud Jon concluded, "So as not to piss off the Texans. You know how they get! PS--they say there are many more single men then women in Alalska. The warning, though, to women: the odds are good, but the goods are odd." This might explain why my organizational dietitian friend Marya wrote, "I just can't answer this without totally ripping Sarah Palin and I don't want to offend your friends."

"The reason why it's Texas sized," my colleague Chris responded, "is because of the size of the people and portions, not the state." My cousin Wes observed, "It is a pride thing. Texas is a state of mind. Alaskans are more humble."

My cousin Dave, living in Texas for last 20+ years, wrote, "Because Texas was bigger first. Anyway, we've been number 2 in too many things lately (Football, Baseball and we wish Basketball)." My friend Tracey agreed, "It was coined before Alaska was even a state. You know how proud those Texans are.... don't mess with TX!"

My running buddy Tony, a true Texan of 30 years, tells me "it is because all of Texas is inhabitable while Alaska is not unless you are of polar bear decent. Plus, just look at the cattle. Hook 'em horns!" My college roomie John said "The people of Texas will always brag. A Texas Cadillac is a pickup truck." And my sailing friend Kurt noted the comparison of "dog sled teams aren't very big; Texas' Suburbans are."

My NY-born friend Ted challenged back, "To compensate for small Texan Testicles (except for Tony!).

My colleague Swany warned, "Tell a woman she’s “Texas sized” and you’re likely to end up in Alaska!"

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ”:

What’s the plural for bamboo? (from my neighbor Stan)

Live well...laugh often and heartily….be happy, have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!

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