Monday, July 25

Can you get home fries when you dine out?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin.

In response to last week’s question, “Can you get home fries when you dine out?”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob observed, “Of course...They are a cut above the rest!” My friend Richard countered, “Not sure if they technically could be called “home fries,” but I have had “home fries” in restaurants that made me wish I had eaten at home instead. Is “home” another word for rubber?”

My neighbor Dick added, “Yes, you get home fries from the same place you get your house salad.”

My sailing friend John explained, “Well … bein’ from south, I don’t ever “dine out” … I only “eat out”. Where’d ya come with that high-falutin’ “dine out” cockamamie? As it turns out, I can ONLY get home fries when I eat out … cause my wife don’t know how to make ‘em! BTW: did you know there over 8,310,000 pages listed when you Google “home fries”? Betcha didn’t know they were such a topic of interest!”

My friend Stuart shared, “I can if I dine out at a friend’s home – but not at mine where fried foods are forbidden. Come to think of it, the only “friend” who serves me fried food is my cardiologist (while showing me pictures of his new yacht – hmmm.)”

My birthday bud Jon, who is not known for being dyxlexic, wrote, “I often keep the home fries burning.”

My friend Royce concluded, “Yep, you can on your patio or deck.” My sailing friend Kurt noted, “Is this like getting French Fries without going to France? Or are they just fried potato sticks?”

My comedic friend Bruce recalled, “Even when I'm all dined out, I still get home fries.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

     If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how
     would we ever know? And with texting, does anyone care?
      from my Parrothead friend Jan

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Happy birthday (Tue) to my bride.

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