Monday, October 17

Do monkeys people-around?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin,
In response to last week’s question, “Do monkeys people-around?”,  my cousin Valarie concluded, “Monkeys are too intelligent to ape humans.”  My dad’s beach buddy Bob agreed, “The smart ones don't.  They know when they are well off” to which my friend Kevin added, “Given the nature of some people....I think that might be insulting to monkeys.”
My sailing friend Scott believes, “Only on sailboats…” while my friend Royce added, “It depends on the species. Gad! I sound like a primatologist.”

My sailing friend Vaughn wrote, “Yes, monkeys people around or they did in the Tarzan movies with Johnny Wiessmuller.”  Another  sailing friend, Kurt, wrote “after several million years of evolution, yes” to which my friend Tracey clarified, “monkeys only people around when we aren't looking.”

My friend Swany explained, “I’m a believer.”  See his punny note at the bottom of email.

My flying and biking friend Ted shared, “Absolutely!! You witnessed one "peopleing" around on my son's head when we were in Costa Rica!! (pictured)

My friend Chris wrote, “I am inclined to say no, other than the obvious 'Curious George' and other cartoon like characters which are based solely on fiction. If monkeys people-around then you would see monkeys dressed up in suits with briefcases talking about the financial aspects of our current economic situation...which we don't.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Do paranoid people feel like people are always paying attention to them?   From my friend Lesley
Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!

From my friend Swany:  Hey, hey.  A while ago I was returning from Tennessee, on the last train from Clarksville, trying to get to Pleasant Valley Sunday and I was observing a young group of males bopping about from seat to seat.  Now I'm a believer of having some good clean fun but I was trying to get some pillow time.  I approached one of these long-haired free spirits and said, "For Pete's sake, I'm trying to get a little shut-eye here."  He promptly and so lightheartedly replied, "Tomorrow's going to be another day, we're just looking for the good times man."  Bewildered I responded, "So you're saying I need to lighten up and just put up with your 'good times?'  Well, I'm not your stepping stone!"  With that the rest of the jovial gang paused and one spoke out, "Man, you need to find your own dream world and get out of those shades of grey.  Life is too short."  Realizing I was quickly outnumbered I slumped back in my seat and tried to figure out what the heck that meant.  Sometime in the morning it finally came to me, it was about enjoying life.  I thought to myself, I wanna be free like them.  Not tied down to the rat race of life...carefree and fun!"  As the train came to a stop I felt rejuvenated.  I popped up from my seat a free man.  I quickly gathered my belongings and was excited to start fresh.  I jumped from the train car and stepped right into a pile of horse manuer.  My leather shoe was coverd in something that looked like a brown tapioca sunday.  As I looked up I saw the four young guys walking away and one turned around to see my predicament.  He winked at me and said, "Lookout, here's comes tomorrow."  It was a quick lesson in life and later I was reading the local paper and saw those same guys from the train.  It was a band called The Monkees.  So in regard to this week's question - yes, monkeys or monkees can people-around.

1 comment:

Buck Dopp said...

I think from the monkeys' point of view they see it that way but we probably don't notice the nuances that they do. Gee, it just occurred to me, I'm monkeying around myself right now. :-) I better get back to work. Have a great week, Hal.