Monday, November 28

Why do so many people express their thankfulness by overeating?

In response to last week’s question, “Why do so many people express their thankfulness by overeating?”, my fellow Storer Cable alum Buck explained, “I overeat to show my thanksgiving because my mom guilted me that there are children starving in China.”  My dad’s beach buddy Bob shared, “According to the good book, "waste not, want not" and it also allows you to put something on your ribs for a rainy day.”

My colleague Kosol replied, “I must be thankful everyday then because I overeat every day. LOL.  We overeat because we celebrate abundance.  We usually eat according to our pockets and since we visit family and eat their food nothing really comes out of our pockets.  So there's an abundance of food.

My neighbor Dick observed, “Turkeys and People good stuffing deserves another!”

My friend Royce suspiciously wrote, “They are probably stockholders in Weight Watchers or Nutri Systems.”

My cycling friend Ted explained, “Expressing thankfulness is one of many things I do by overeating. Expressing guilt is another thing I do by overeating. Then I go back to being thankful when the scale is relatively kind.”

My cable marketing friend Megan shared a Thanksgiving thought.  “For so many of us food and love go hand-in-hand.  We learned to cook standing in chairs next to our grandmothers, absorbing recipes that were often never written down that we will in turn pass to future generations.  We feel how special we are to our mothers, grandmothers and aunts when we see and smell our favorite foods, even when it means that there are 3 kinds of potatoes as a part of the meal just to make sure that everyone has their favorites.  It’s about the memories that are stirred by each smell and taste.  It’s about TRADITION!”   (Amen.)

“Oh yeah,” Megan added, “remember that whole thing about the Indians bringing food and sharing a feast with the Pilgrims to keep them from starving to death!?!?”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is shopping a sport or a game ?

Today is the oldest you’ve ever been yet the youngest you’ll ever be.  Enjoy this day while it lasts and remember to smile.

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