Monday, April 2

Is a clear conscience the sign of a fuzzy memory?

In response to last week’s question,  “Is a clear conscience the sign of a fuzzy memory?”, my friend Kevin countered, “or a superb ability to justify any of one's actions.”

My friend Richard concluded, “Having a clear conscience is directly attributable to having Write-Only Memory. The information is in your brain, but the ability to retrieve any of it is either compromised or completely disabled.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob concluded, “Simply impossible.  If there is fuzz, it is usually intentional and one must go to confession to clear their conscience, but who wants to lose all those delicious memories?”

My friend Royce thought, “selective memory as opposed to ‘fuzzy’.”  To this, my friend Chris  replied, “I am not quite sure, I know I am content but it’s all a little fuzzy. Of course Mark Twain said "Ignorance isn't bliss, it’s can't be happy about what you don't know."  My sailing friend Scott recapped it all, “I can't remember for sure so I am not going to worry about it!” 

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Where’s the line between pleasure and pain?

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Get over it --- the theme of the Cooper River Bridge run in Charleston, SC.  Alison, Carey, Henry, Ted and I did “get over it.”

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