Monday, March 31

Do you need to earn a nap?

In response to last week’s question, " Do you need to earn a nap?," my social media friend Mark saw this from entirely unique angle when he concluded, "I know your last nap is urned."

My dad's beach buddy Bob declared, "You certainly do unless you are in a vegetative state" to which my writing and sailing friend Rich added, "'Life is hard and then you nap.' If it is not on tee shirt then it needs to be."

However, my friend Richard challenged, "On the contrary, the best kind of nap is one that is unearned because taking the nap is a better alternative than whatever chores you were expected to perform. The pinnacle of napping occurs when you have a ton of yard work planned (or planned for you) and it rains all day. Then there is nothing to do but nap. It’s 'Napvana!'"

My birthday bud Adam concurred, "No, you don't have to earn a nap.  Naps are a solid way to fill in missing sleep and help the body heal up from Squash (or squish) and running.  Plus, our Amber dog yellow lab is the goddess of naps, she can pass out nearly anywhere and those are certainly not earned."

My sailing friend Kurt queried, "Does passing out in my recliner after sailing all day count as earning a nap?"  And my friend Tracey added, "Just getting out of bed is enough to warrant a nap."

And then my project mgmt friend KJ provided her balanced perspective,  "All a matter of perspective. When I take a nap, I'm being forced to shut down since I thoroughly dislike sleeping during the day. So, my body needs it. When my husband takes a nap, he thoroughly enjoys sleeping. So, my husband's napping affections need it. I earned it because I worked myself to it. My husband earned it because he has a human right to take a nap. Who's judging?"

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “: 

Is there pure randomness?  (from my friend Lesley)

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a point to have fun and make others laugh.

A special request from my nephew.  He has a 2 min questionnaire about watching TV when you were growing up (please don't discount yourself because you have yet to grow up).  He's really asking for when you were 8, 10 and 12 yrs old about your view of sitcoms.  Please go to to help him with his term paper.  Thanks.

…then be sure to have a little levity by observing April Fool's Day tomorrow.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.

Monday, March 24

How can you tell Spring is in the air?

In response to last week’s question, "How can you tell Spring is in the air?",  my Mid-Atlantic college rommie John asked, "3-4 inches of snow here.  Is that Spring in the air?" to which my birthday bud in DC Jon added "It's St. Patrick's Day and I am looking at 8 inches of snow, and school is cancelled today for the tenth time this year. What is this "spring" to which you refer?"

My dad's beach buddy Bob explained, "You can only tell when the frost is finally gone off the pumpkin" while my social media friend Mark shared, "I know Spring is in the air because my back automatically started to spasm in preparation for the honey-do lists being created as I write this. Plant this, clean that, paint everything, prune what grows, remove anything not green, ouch, it is going into involuntary spasm again."
My cycling friend Ted, who owns and maintains a Shelby, replied, "If you work on cars and change a strut, the improper use of a spring compressor may cause a Spring to be in the air. Otherwise if there is high pollen, the nose knows!"

My cat loving friend Tracey declared, "I have to start taking Claritin every day" to which my engineering friend Steve added, "in Atlanta it seems to be coughing,watering eyes, and something that looks like yellow-green snow everywhere."  My friends Royce and Kosol concurred, "You can tell by all the people going around with runny noses and sneezing because of all the pollen."

My new steel building friend Ally observed, "Given our erratic weather patterns this year, I truly don’t know anymore, but I sure do wish that I had some in my step!  (ba da bum!)."   To this, my sailing friend Norm added, "Not when the daffodils bloom here.  In Atlanta, that just means another Arctic blast is on its way !"

My cable marketing friend Megan responded, "The yellow clouds of pollen.  The car and porch coated in pollen.  Oh, and those disgusting rivers of pollen when the April showers hit." My neighbor Al and writing and sailing friend, Rich added, "If you live in the Atlanta area you'll see, and feel,  the pine pollen on my car and up my nose."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “: 

Do you need to earn a nap?    (from my writing friend Kristen)

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a point to have fun and make others laugh.


Happy Birthday to my birthday buds Jon, Adam and James on Thu.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.

Monday, March 17

Happy St Patrick's Day: Is persistence endless?

In response to last week’s question, "Is persistence endless?," my friend Royce replied, "Only if you have OCD" while my dad's beach buddy Bob noted, "Only to the point where it interferes with my 4 p.m. martini." 

My project mgmt friend KJ advised, "I believe persistence should be endless if you desire to continually learn and grow. However, being too persistent can be detrimental to your political standing as some people would just prefer for things to be swept under the rug. On numerous times, I’ve been told to “just let it go” in a rather ominous tone. So, my advice, 'Persist with caution.'"

My social media friend Mark wrote, "My persistence in attempting to write a clever answer to this one is definitely seeming endless. I stand corrected, I give up. There is an end. Right now," to which I was left wondering my nobody quoted Kenny Rogers song The Gambler, which counsels, "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

How can you tell Spring is in the air?

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


Robin Williams noted that Spring Nature's way of saying "Let's Party!"  St. Patrick's Day is when everyone gets the Irish spirit.  Wow -- what a week it will be!
Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.

Monday, March 10

Do happy dogs have bigger tail muscles?

In response to last week’s question, "Do happy dogs have bigger tail muscles?", my social media friend Mark provided the answer of a real dog lover, writing, "Dog's tail wagging muscles are the strongest muscles anywhere. They can make every human smile, make busy people stop for a moment, make sick people feel like someone cares, and even make other tails wag just at the sight."

My Parrothead friend Samantha saw the strength from a slightly different view as she wrote, "Yes they do, and those extra tail muscles help knock you down and then propel them to your face for wet dog kisses to prove it :) "

My dad's beach buddy Bob concluded, "Only the females because they always end up doing all the wagging," to which my friend Royce queried, "Which brings up the question of whether or not the tail wags the dog or the dog wags the tail?"
My friend Richard observed, "No, but unhappy dogs seem to have much bigger teeth!"  My temple friend Lesley noted, "Except for the dogs whose tails were docked, I would say 'yes.'"

My sailing friend Norm responded, "They must, because they wag so much and so hard.  Happy dogs also have strong butt muscles because they wag their butts as often as their tails."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is persistence endless? from my friend Lesley paraphrasing Calvin Coolidge     

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.

Monday, March 3

What's the difference between a passion or an addiction?

In response to last week’s question, "What's the difference between a passion or an addiction?," my birthday bud Jon, who I've missed hearing from, concluded, "If I am obsessed with something, it’s  passion.  If you do, it’s an addiction."
My hiking friend Kelly explained, "Over the years, I’ve won awards and trophies for some of my “passions”.  I've never heard of anyone getting the “most crack smoked” or the “whodababydaddy” award!"  My engineering friend Steve suggested, "A psychiatrist’s diagnosis or a politician’s law I’d suppose."

My dad's beach buddy Bob observed, "For an addiction, you have to go into rehab to overcome it;  but a passion can disappear overnight."

My writing and sailing friend Rich advised, "When it's good for you, it's a passion, When it's bad for you, it's an addiction," to which my friend Royce added, "It's about a human hair."  My social media friend Mark shared a similar thought, "It is the exact same difference as eating what is good for you or food that tastes good," to which my dog rescue friend Kate described "Chocolate and alcohol."

My cycling friend Ted wrote, "A passion is something you love and is ultimately good for you, like cycling.  An addiction is something that feels really good and can cause financial or marital chaos, like flying a private plane!"

My neighbor Al replied, "Passion is only legal in Nevada and involves the use of your small head.  Addiction is legal in Colorado and Washington and involves your larger head.   Passion can lead to sharing of STD's and leads to a broken marriage.   Addiction leads to sharing snack foods and leads to Taco Bell."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
Do happy dogs have bigger tail muscles?  (from my friend John H)
We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.