Monday, March 24

How can you tell Spring is in the air?

In response to last week’s question, "How can you tell Spring is in the air?",  my Mid-Atlantic college rommie John asked, "3-4 inches of snow here.  Is that Spring in the air?" to which my birthday bud in DC Jon added "It's St. Patrick's Day and I am looking at 8 inches of snow, and school is cancelled today for the tenth time this year. What is this "spring" to which you refer?"

My dad's beach buddy Bob explained, "You can only tell when the frost is finally gone off the pumpkin" while my social media friend Mark shared, "I know Spring is in the air because my back automatically started to spasm in preparation for the honey-do lists being created as I write this. Plant this, clean that, paint everything, prune what grows, remove anything not green, ouch, it is going into involuntary spasm again."
My cycling friend Ted, who owns and maintains a Shelby, replied, "If you work on cars and change a strut, the improper use of a spring compressor may cause a Spring to be in the air. Otherwise if there is high pollen, the nose knows!"

My cat loving friend Tracey declared, "I have to start taking Claritin every day" to which my engineering friend Steve added, "in Atlanta it seems to be coughing,watering eyes, and something that looks like yellow-green snow everywhere."  My friends Royce and Kosol concurred, "You can tell by all the people going around with runny noses and sneezing because of all the pollen."

My new steel building friend Ally observed, "Given our erratic weather patterns this year, I truly don’t know anymore, but I sure do wish that I had some in my step!  (ba da bum!)."   To this, my sailing friend Norm added, "Not when the daffodils bloom here.  In Atlanta, that just means another Arctic blast is on its way !"

My cable marketing friend Megan responded, "The yellow clouds of pollen.  The car and porch coated in pollen.  Oh, and those disgusting rivers of pollen when the April showers hit." My neighbor Al and writing and sailing friend, Rich added, "If you live in the Atlanta area you'll see, and feel,  the pine pollen on my car and up my nose."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “: 

Do you need to earn a nap?    (from my writing friend Kristen)

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a point to have fun and make others laugh.


Happy Birthday to my birthday buds Jon, Adam and James on Thu.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.

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