Monday, June 9

"Is stupidity a handicap that gets you a better parking space?

In response to last week’s question, "Is stupidity a handicap that gets you a better parking space?", my dad's beach buddy Bob noted, "No, they park in the space reserved for pregnant women."  My organizational behavior guru friend Marya concurred, "And according to Carlo Cipolla (economic historian), stupidity can make you more powerful than any major organization.  Based on what I've seen lately, I'll take stupidity (and I don't need a parking space).  LOL!"

My friend Richard provided an overview. "Typically a “handicap” is something that disadvantages a small subset of individuals relative to the majority.  The preponderance of evidence suggests that stupidity affects more than a small majority of the populace. A sample taken on any given day during rush indicates that it is a very common affliction that affects at least 50% of drivers in any populous metropolitan area.
·         “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”  -- Albert Einstein
·         “Humans beings always do the most intelligent thing…after they’ve tried every stupid alternative and none of them have worked” – R. Buckminster Fuller
·         “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it.” – Laurence J. Peter (author of “The Peter Principle”)"
My neighbor Al shared the photo and wrote, "If you mean like this car from Alabama, with lights still on,  that was parked next to me at Pappasito's?  He doesn't need a handicap space.  Stupidity just creates their own."   

My engineering friend Steve replied, "At least the government seems to think so, I think I’ve seen some of them parking there."  To this, my social media friend Mark added, "Of course stupidity is a handicap. And let them have the better parking. That way we won't have to chit chat with them as long as if they parked out by us. Fortunately, with so many politicians in that class, they have not yet thought of protecting the "stupidity" class with laws."  My copywriting friend Stan then added, "You should get an expensive ticket and humiliation."

My birthday bud Jon responded, "Only if you're too stupid to read the handicapped parking sign."
When my friend Royce asked, "Is this similar to obesity being a disease?", my cycling friend Ted shared, "I would say yes because a friend of mine(to be nameless!) uses the handicapped sticker to get a good parking spot to go on a hike!"

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is your imagination real?   (from my friends Jim, Corey and Thomas)

Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that makes you smile!


My social media friend Leah lost a fellow Crohn's patient last week and is drawing strength from this. Leah wrote, "We met at Children's Healthcare in 2005 and became close at Crohn's camp (Camp Oasis) the following year.  She was 20 years old. I continue to fight & bring as much awareness for silent sufferers around the country. Her foundation, Beautiful Beyond the Pain ( is all about raising awareness and raising money to send kids to health camps.

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Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.

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