response to last week’s question, "How do you know if you spelled Hanukkah
(or Chanuka) right?", my favorite jeweler Bill suggested, "Either
way, you are right. Go ask your mother. To her, you are always
right." My social and big data friend Andy advised, "I
spell it however my nearest tribe member tells me to spell it!" to which
my dad's beach buddy Bob added, "I leave it to the recipient of this
message (Hal) to correct me."
My sailing
friend Bradley explained, "We Baptists spell it C-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s and have
a wreath with 4 candles, but I have some neighbors that spell it K-w-a-n-z-a-a
and decorate their house with blacklights. (Clever?) However
you spell it, and however you light your home, I hope you have a fantastic
My cycling
friend Ted recommended that "we will leave that decision to the Wise Rebi
Shmuley Clausenstein"
My social
collaboration friend Paul Miller pointed out that "this is an easy one.
Just go to Google (organizer of all the world’s information) and start
typing. ‘Google Instant’ should be enabled with your preferences and
will finish the spelling for u." My writing friend Stan
challenged this, writing, "Hanukkah – or Chanukkah – or Hanukka – or
however you want to spell it is in English. There's only one way in
Hebrew. It’s sort of like road signs on Israeli highways. Easier to read the
Hebrew." Then again, my equestrian friend Royce, "Ya spin the
dreidel to narrow your options, give up trying to figure which way to spell
it and just eat the foil covered chocolate gelt."
My friend
Richard replied, "If you spell it wrong, you don’t get any presents!
I think that in the spirit of interreligious comity, we should merge all
of these seasonal holidays into Chrismahannukwanzikah. We’ll put the requisite
number of candles on an artificial tree (since a real one would likely combust
and be unsafe), light them, and stand in a circle around it holding hands and
singing 'Kumbaya.'
And my
social media friend Mark wrote, "Eye dew knot no." (Ewe r for
four for.)
Please share your thoughts about this
week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
How do you present presents presently?
Live. Love. Learn. Laugh ..
Lighten up!
Merry Christmas to my Christian friends. If you hope for peace,
then this 9 min speech by a Palestinian Muslim in a Jewish synagogue is
something to see and share!
Thanks to Demetri
Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.
Stop by
to see what else I'm up to.
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