Monday, January 12

When celebrating in New Orleans, South Beach and Santa Monica, should you assign a designated walker?

In response to last week’s question, "When celebrating in New Orleans, South Beach and Santa Monica, should you assign a designated walker?", my writing and sailing friend Rich advised, "What is normally a short  walk can be an awfully long crawl when you have been over served.  It is always prudent planning to have someone in good enough shape to show you the shortest, safest, softest path home."   

My videographer friend Ivan attempted to add, "Sure, we call that a 'Wing Man.'  So if your Wing Man is a Designated Walker, does that make him a Wing Walker?  That sounds pretty dangerous, so the answer is no.  Except that girls like men of daring and danger, and a good wing man will help you get the girl, so, yes. But my wife would not approve, so no.  Maybe I'd better not try to tackle this week's question, I am way out of my league."

My friend Richard, who recently recovered from several broken bones, replied, "Yes, and the walker should come with front and side airbags as standard equipment, with a collision warning system as optional equipment. Oh, wait a minute… By 'walker' you meant an individual, not a device. Disregard."

My dad's beach buddy Bob observed, "I don't know about those places, but you definitely should in Cannes."  To this, my social media friend Mark offered, "Yes, and I am volunteering...just bring me along any time you go."

My equestrian friend Royce replied, "I had a shiny new chrome one with 4 wheel drive in Nawlins but some damn drunk stole it. Or maybe I was drunk and lost it when...never mind."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

How do you conjugate "woof" (or "meow")?

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


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