Monday, May 18

What would a woman do on a dude ranch?

In response to last week’s question, "What would a woman do on a dude ranch?," my writing and sailing friend Rich wrote, "Ride’em, rope’em and brand em, Yippee Ki Yay girl friend," to which my equestrian and Rubber Duckie friend Jodie added, "Ride a horse and leave all those dudes in the sand!"  And my experienced-in-life friend Lon queried, "The question may be better asked 'what couldn't a woman do on a dude ranch?'"

My cousin Wes replied, "At a dude ranch everyone does the dude thing. ride horses get blisters sore butts."

My friend Tracey suggested, "Sit back and enjoy the scenery," to which my Parrothead friend Samantha agreed, "Smile :)  "

My temple friend Vivian politely replied, "What else?   Look for a dude of course!" as my transportation friend Joe noted, "A cowboy never tells."  Nonetheless, my sailing friend Carolyn  and birthday bud Jon G pointed out, "A woman would do a dude!" to which my friend Sue clarified, "As many dudes as  she likes".   My dad's beach buddy Bob tactfully wrote, "What every wrangler does, break the stallions in."

My DISH Network friend Mark shared, "A first blush response is 'a dude.'  The more adventurous women would get in touch with their dude side, then join

That might explain why my neighbor Al observed, "It depends upon their personal preferences. I'd keep ropes and branding irons away from them."

And my IT project management friend Kim B surmised, "Look like a woman, act like a Dude, hope it all works out.  Yet Aerosmith coined the phrase, "Dude looks like a Lady" so let's do a switcheroo.  Lady looks like a Dude...acts like a Dude and let the "chips" fall where they may." 

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Can a dog get a manicure?  (from my beer friends Ben and Mark)

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Y'all have a safe, relaxing Memorial Day weekend and remember the meaning behind the holiday.  We are so very fortunate to live in the US.  Say what you want about our messed up Congress, messed up tax system and messed up healthcare system.  It is better than other countries.  We owe to those who gave their lives for our freedom to care and nurture our country -- don't expect someone else to do it for you.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


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