response to last week’s question, " Did you just ask me if I ever had déjà
vu?," my cousin Greg replied,
"I could have sworn I've already asked you......" and my sailing
friend Norm queried, "didn't we
answer that question before. It seems we did." To this, my videographer friend Ivan added,
"No, but I'm going to yesterday."
equestrian friend Royce noted, "No, but Yogi Berra had it 'all over
again,' so evidently it repeats itself."
dad's beach buddy Bob complimented, "No Hal, I know you haven't. According to the
definition: involves having that feeling of knowing in a situation in
which you are experiencing something totally new. You have it
all...Much like your father."
My temple friend Stuart "did not recall much about déjà vu. I will ask if
you ever had that feeling of vujà dé, that feeling that you've never been
someplace before?" which another temple friend Lesley concurred, "The
question is not familiar to me. Is this a case of vujà dé?"
friend Richard explained, "I’m at the age now where I have a sense of déjà
vu when I can’t remember something and I suddenly realize I had forgotten the
same damned thing at least once before. There are, however, some advantages
to losing one’s memory. For example, there is no such thing as leftovers. I
also recall Groucho Marx’s great line: 'I never forget a face. However,
in your case I’m willing to make an exception!' ”
my cycling friend Ted suggested, "Crosby Stills Nash and Young know the answer to that."
share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' " :
there a reason that red connotes love and is the color of a teacher's correction
Give me a sense of humor; give me the ability to
understand a clean joke; to get some humor out of life, and to pass it on to
other folks.
Make this a sweetheart of a week
and show appreciation to the ones you love.
While chocolate is a popular way, expressing your appreciation, and
explaining why goes a long, long way.
And in my case, along with my wife, my son, my dad and family who are so
supportive and helpful, I'm fortunate to have some many friends who take time
to reply to Hmmm and brightens my day.
Thanks to Demetri Martin,
Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm. Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up
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