Monday, June 27

What shouldn't you do in the dark?

In response to last week’s question, "What shouldn't you do in the dark?," my cycling friend Ted declared, "Experience has taught me that, using a man's technique (standing), you should never try to pee in the toilet in the dark, because it usually makes you say 'Oh Sh--!' "

My birthday bud Jon noted, "Read," to which my cousin Valarie pointed out, "unless it's Braille."

My dad's beach buddy Bob, who just celebrated his 63rd wedding anniversary (he's married longer than most people I know have been alive!), advised, "anything that you might be ashamed of doing in daylight."

My temple friend Tracey initially replied, "                      " which I thought was a clever way of hiding her answer, which was "get a haircut, have surgery or have dental work done."  My data analytics friend Kelly added ,"Breed grizzly bears" while my social media friend Mark D summarized, "1. Go down in the basement when the lights are out;  2. Look under the bed;  3. Don't run in the woods...he's always faster, even when he walks after you."

My temple friend Richard recalled, "to that great philosopher, Bruce Springsteen, dancing in the dark is acceptable. In honor of today being the 41st anniversary of the movie “Jaws” being released, I’ll go with “swimming in shark-infested water near Martha’s Vineyard, MA.”

My cousin Wes surmised, "Uh, run, stumble, use sharp objects.....or think darkly........" while another cousin, Greg  suggested  "ask someone in Alaska. They spend days at a time in the dark."

And my managed IT friend Kosol  elucidated, "I can't tell you what you shouldn't do, but whatever it is will come to light."

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
Where should you avoid going without bond money? (from my sailing from Jim)

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.

Summer Solstice last Monday was special for two friends.  My sailing and dog rescue friend Carolyn wrote, "Today I start my week by thanking the Cleveland Cavaliers!"  And my ethics friend Blair was able to enjoy "an extra long summer solstice. Flying to San Francisco today!"

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  As I transition away from  NicheLabs, I invite you to call or email so  I can share what  I'm up to.

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