Monday, January 16

To observe MLK Day, "Can you donate free time?"

In response to last week’s question, "Can you donate free time?," my social media friend Mark lamented, "I have no witty reply, but if anyone says yes, please send them to my house ASAP."

My collaboration friend Tricia shared, "I love this question and yes. Free time is something I don't seem to have enough of, so if I can donate some of that, it has a very high value!"

 My dad's beach buddy Bob concluded, "Of course.  If it's free and you're no longer using it,  let it go to where it will do more good.  If it isn't free, then the sacrifice will make it more meaningful."

My networking friend Andrew advised, "There is no such thing as "free" time.  All time is very expensive, the most precious resource we have, since we know it is scarce. In fact, we can't accurately value it since we don't know 'how' scarce it is (could have 1 minute, could have 40 years, but we don't have an unbounded amount of it). In economist terms, there are no 'substitutes' for time, and it cannot be reused/recovered/manufactured. By contrast, money is one of the cheapest resources available, since it is arbitrary in value. We can literally print as much as we want (and have!).   So while one can donate money, one can only 'spend' time, and life consists of how we do spend it, and with whom."

My florist friend Bruce counseled, "Time is not has an associated cost that varies by individual and individual opinion. And one should donate time on a weekly basis to enrich society either in your home,  your faith, or your community."

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

How do you keep your eyes peeled?

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile.

In honor of MLK Day, if you are a volunteer in your community, thank you for making this a better place, and for being a role model for others.  If you don't volunteer, consider how you can be of service to your community.

Go Falcons!  NFC Championship on Sunday, Jan 22.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

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