In response to last week’s
imponderable question, “What’s the point of folding laundry?,” my cycling
friend Ted noted, “My teenage daughter would agree!”
My temple friend Tracey
explained, “It’s easier to stuff in the drawer that way.” My social media friend Mark added, “The only
reason would be to fit more laundry in the laundry basket or washing machine.
Otherwise, there is no reason to fold laundry.
Once it is washed, it is no longer laundry. Then it can be folded, so
you can tell that it is no longer laundry, without smelling it....which is the
part I really hate!”
You can imagine my adjunct exec
friend Lindy rolling her eyes when she replied, “To avoid wrinkles.
You’re such a man.”
My writing and sailing friend Rich
pointed out, “To make sure the creases in your underwear match the creases in
your behind.” And my PR friend Stan gasped,
“Wow, that’s the first question I ever asked once I got to college. No, wait.
It was the second question. The first was what’s the point of making my bed?”
My equestrian friend Royce
admitted, “Because our mothers made us do it, and if we don't we feel guilty”
to which my cousin Wes concurred, “For the same reason your mother told not
to wear underwear with holes in them, somebody might see and think you are a
slob.. Besides, folding hot saves ironing.” To this, my organizational guru friend Marya
questioned, “Who in the world wants to iron? ;-) ”
And my sailing friend Norm
concurred, “No point in folding - unless she is watching me put it away.”
Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that
make you go 'Hmmm' ":
Is normal overrated? (inspired by the Fred Factor)
Live well...laugh often and
heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!
Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven
Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm. I invite you
to call or email me to catch up.
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