Monday, November 19

Can you be over-saturated?

In response to last week’s imponderable question, “Can you be over-saturated?,” my birthday bud Jon concluded, “That would be a very unique situation,” while my cousin Valarie explained, “Being over-saturated is as feasible as giving 110 percent--impossible but quite common in our exaggerated vernacular.”

My writing and sailing friend Rich shared, “Tequila tends to over saturate my filters,” to which my social media friend Mark admitted, “It’s been a while, but I remember drinking much more than humanly possible in college...more than a few times.”

My college roomie John requested, “At the risk of being political, I believe we are over-saturated with coverage of the orange clown in DC.   Can the media please boycott him and just cover other news worthy items?”

My cycling friend Ted, who is also a private pilot, advised, “Reading lots of NTSB reports on how people die in airplanes, task over saturation can be quite lethal in a cockpit. Just don't bother your pilot when s/he's really busy- you will over saturate him/her.”

And my equestrian friend Royce pointed out, “Shouldn't that be ‘overly’ saturated?”

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

What are you thankful for about people who are different than you?

Lord, give me a sense of humor; give me the ability to understand a clean joke; to get some humor out of life, and to pass it on to other folks. 


Wishing you, your family, friend, and friends you haven’t met, a memorable holiday break.  We have more than enough to be thankful for.  If you can realize that ‘your cup is more than half full,’ then you realize we have much to be grateful for.  Yes, there is plenty to do to improve our world; the good news is that when we work together, like building a Habitat for Humanity home, clean-up a river, or help kids read, we all benefit.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

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