Tuesday, December 18

Who makes the best promises?

In response to last week’s imponderable question, “Who makes the best promises?,”  my physicist and disc golf friend Blake concluded, “Gravity. It will always let you down.”

My neighbor Al declared, “Conopco  A division of Unilever.” (You thought Promise spread and Promise Extra Light margarine were made by a family dairy?)

My temple friend Leslie recalled, “Yes, and he is still standing on first after all of these years.  (reference to Abbott and Castello that initially missed; kudos to Leslie)

My collaboration and running friend Andy  observed, ”I'm pretty sure Brown's fans would say Bud Light.” My adjunct executive friend Lindy continued, “Probably advertisers –Nestles (makes the very best…chocolate), Jewelers, etc. Who are we to disagree with all the Best Ever, New and Improved promises they share?:

My dad’s beach buddy Bob called out, “Mafia Dons.  You can bet your last shovel of dirt in your grave on it.  Santa comes in second.”

My birthday bud Jon knew simply, “Liars.”  To this, my cousin Greg opined, “Any politician in an election year,” to which my sailing friend Norm added, “Politicians as you did not ask who KEEPS the best promises!

My cycling friend Ted proffered, “Santa to a Jewish kid--I promise you will get no xmas present!’

And my business development friend Ray counseled, “Those who don't break them!”

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

How do you make a decision when you are in the dark?*

Lord, give me a sense of humor; give me the ability to understand a clean joke; to get some humor out of life, and to pass it on to other folks. 


*Fri, Dec 21 is the longest night of the year aka Winter Solstice.  Lots of dark.  In Nome, AL, the sun will rise at 12:02pm and set at 3:57pm (20 hr, 6min of night), which is 17 hours, 33 minutes longer than June’s Summer Solstice.  Always looking for the bright side, that means that on Saturday, the days start getting longer, and there is only 90 days until Spring.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

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