Monday, January 26

Should we change the presidential oath given what past presidents have done?

In response to last week's question, "Should we change the presidential oath given what past presidents have done?”, my neighbor Al thought “Why, have we had any presidents that kept the oath?”

My birthday bud Jon hopes that they would “at least read it.” My dad’s beach buddy Bob recommended “If I do not keep all my promises, I will resign or forfeit the opportunity to run for a second term."

My friend Tracey figured the appropriate changes would make the oath too long, “Do you swear to... not have sex with someone other than your wife while in office? Not to blindly lead us into a war with a country that has no WMDs and did NOT attack us? To pronounce the word 'NUCLEAR' not ‘NUKULAR'?" The list could go on forever. “

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…

Monday, January 19

Why do we wash behind our ears? Who really looks there?

In response to last week's question, “Why do we wash behind our ears? Who really looks there?”, many friends including my Disney tech friend Alan, birthday bud Jon and his wife Ruth, Kate, Tony and Tracey said, “ You wash there because your mother said so.” My temple friend Bill added, “do you need a better reason?”

My neighbor Dick noted, “Actually, we wash a lot of places where no one looks (thankfully)!”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob noted that “Washing behind your ears gives us hindsight.”
“Being bald, I wash behind my ears because it is easy to see back there,” responded my college roomie John.

My mischievous cousin Wes wrote, “My mother didn’t want her or my teachers to get dirty fingers when I was towed off by the ear.”

For a more adult answer, my quality mgmt guru friend Marya said, “I'll just leave it to your imagination as to who really looks (or at least licks) behind your ears. While one person who asked for anonymity said, “No need, the guy who gives me wet willies always has his eyes closed.” My sailing buddy Mike was less discrete, saying “some don't stray from the missionary position.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Should we change the presidential oath given what past presidents have done?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…

Sunday, January 11

How was it decided when the year starts?

In response to last week's question, “How was it decided when the year starts?“, my birthday buddy Jon concluded, “Right after New Year’s Eve. Duh!”

My friend Kevin and his wife Tracey both reported that “the rabbi said that it was the day of Jesus’ bris.” “If that’s true,” added Tracey, “Why do we traditionally eat black eyed peas, rice and collard greens instead of bagels, lox, blintz casserole and kugel?”

My other birthday bud Adam answered, “Simple. When last year ends.” My sailing buddy Kurt added, “If today’s government was involved, it would have been few extra days later to give the government employees even more days off.”
My cousin Steve added, “It might as well be Jan. 1. What better time to be contagiously happy** than right now.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Why do we wash behind our ears? Who really looks there?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…

Monday, January 5

Why does Father Time look so old when he was “Baby New Year” just 12 months ago?

In response to last week's question, “Why does Father Time look so old when he was “Baby New Year” just 12 months ago?”, my friend Richard concluded “Father Time appears so old because most of the year he is wasted” while my sailing philosopher friend Rich noted, “It's not the time, it's the mileage!”

“Father time has a rare genetic disease called Progeria which accelerates the aging process 10 fold,” explained my running partner’s husband Ted. “Add the fact that Daddy Time is part dog (which my friend Tracey confirmed), we add factor of 7x, which means one year for him is really like 70 yrs for us.

My colleague Sandra agreed for a different reason, saying, “Good ol baby face is prematurely aging because of the recession and lack of health insurance for someone without a social security number. Oh well…..the “sound bite” administration will give free face lifts to all the unemployed and aging worker, have him wait his turn.”

My dad found a Biblical answer. “Father Time lives by Biblical months; remember Abraham was 150 years old when he became a father.”

My politic-loving friend Kevin noted that “Hey, if you were responsible for the entire year for the whole world, you'd look pretty darn old too.”

Some friends were more specific though. My friend Cheryl thought it was “stress,” my cousin Valarie thought “kids,” Royce thought it was “George Bush”, an unnamed friend suggested “divorce” and Scott, Jon and Bob agreed that “the decline in the economy will cause anyone to age rapidly.” My nearly-retired friend Stuart added, “He must use the same stock broker who just ‘made off’ with all my dough.”

My colleague Chris summed up “all the gray hairs from the ‘agita’ of deaths, births, injuries, marriages, court cases, job losses, world financial crisis, doctor's appointments and Ground Hog Day, it leads one to conclude, ‘Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils’."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

How was it decided when the year starts?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…