Monday, February 9

Is it insulting to tuna that there's a chicken-of-the-sea, but no tuna-of-the-land?

In response to last week's question, “Is it insulting to tuna that there's a chicken-of-the-sea, but no tuna-of-the-land?”, my engineering friend Blair thought, “No. It’s like when you call ‘MIT, the Georgia Tech of the North.’ What a compliment!”

My neighbor Al realized that “tuna that haven’t been caught don’t know about Chicken of the Sea. Only the ones that have made it to land might be.” To this, my friend Tracey wrote, “I think the more pressing question is whether fish get insulted.”

My friend Patty understands that “Tunas are thick skinned (pun?) and pretty laid back. It’s doubtful they really care about marketing tag lines. Chickens, on the hand, love marketing but would surely balk at “tuna of the land”. While my birthday bud Jon wrote, “Chickens don't understand the whole concept,” my cousin Wes added, “Chickens think it’s a compliment when we say ‘it tastes like chicken’.”

“The Tuna-of-the-Land is called Congressman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY)” wrote my dad’s beach buddy Bob. Ouch. My friend Stephanie wrote, “All fish are now known as ‘sea kittens,’ thanks to PETA, who is singlehandedly trying to save sea kittens from hungry kitten-loving children.”

My sports-fan friend Richard knew, “There is a "tuna of the land": Bill Parcells, the former Giants/Patriots/Jets/Cowboys coach. His nickname is "Tuna." Not really germane: there was an album by R.E.O. Speedwagon titled "You Can Tune a Piano, But You Can't Tuna Fish."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

If Darwin* is right, why are so many unevolved humans still around?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…


*Happy notes: Charles Darwin's 200th Birthday is Thu, Feb 12, 2009 – the exact day that Abraham Lincoln was born. It will also be the 150th Anniversary of the publication of Darwin’s famous book, On The Origin of Species.

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