Monday, February 2

How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?

In response to last week's question, “How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?”, my neighbor Stan responded, “being a Georgia resident for 50+ years, what is a snow plow?”

For those exposed to the season elements of the North, my neighbor Al wrote, “Well since I used to drive a snow plow in Buffalo, NY …… I’m sworn to secrecy.”

My road-designing civil engineer friend Bob suggested “He must park the plow at home, eh?” The skipper of the Melges 24 I race with, Tony, confirmed this, “Having lived in Canada I know this one! He takes the plow home at night.” But playing the role of the suburban homeowner, my friend Lisa wrote, “I expect this would be in violation of most neighborhood association covenants. Hope he doesn't have to spend the night!!”

My sailing friend Scott and friend Bill both knew, that “like my parents did growing up, he walks. In waist deep snow. Uphill. Both ways.” My writing friend Kathleen added, “he walks miles across a mountain through three foot snows" like my grandparents did to get to school (although they were from Ireland where it rarely ever snows and really has no mountains.) So maybe Scottie beams him in.”

My friend Richard noted, “He walks a mile in someone else's snowshoes.”
My running partner’s husband Ted wrote, “Having lived in Buffalo NY for 10 years, I have seen this many times. There are numerous methods- Snow Shoeing, Dog Sledding, Tobogganing, Xcountry Skiing, Snowmobiling, and of course my favorite--a yellow Piper Cub on skis!”

My birthday bud Adam and running buddy Tony noted “snow mobile,” which my college roomie John reminded me that “in Alaska, it’s a snow machine - I believe that is what Ms Palin called them.” My friend Tracey responded, “On his Zamboni. Duh!” Adam added, “Snowshoe or skiing? Haven't you noticed how "fit" the drivers usually are from 12oz curls!?

My up-the-hill Colorado cousin Wes wrote “Actually they get called into work before it starts to snow.” That’s not as much fun, though.

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Is it insulting to tuna that there's a chicken-of-the-sea,

but no tuna-of-the-land? from Tracey & Kevin’s son Jacob

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…


Happy notes: Happy Groundhog Day and remember Fri, Feb 6 is Bob Marley’s birthday.

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