Monday, April 6

Can a good fairy be annoying?

In response to last week's question, “Can a good fairy be annoying?”, my sailing friends Cindy and Mike and birthday buddy Jon concluded, “Yes, you’ve seen Richard Simmons haven’t you?” And my unquestionably open minded friend Kevin wrote, “Yes, Boy George.” And my friend Tracey noted, “Oh yes! Haven't you ever heard Cojo talk about fashion on the red carpet?”

“As far as fairies go,” my neighbor Bob wrote, “they become annoying when they start giving unsolicited advice about what you should be doing instead of just stepping in when you need them.” My sailing buddy Rich concluded, “Yes, very, especially if the Good Fairy is your Mother in Law. Careful with that wand Martha, you’re gonna put an eye out. “

“Any Fairy is annoying if you a homophobe!” wrote my dad’s beach buddy Bob.
Two very wise friends, Marlene and Richard responded, “Depends what the fairy is good at! Maybe the fairy's forte IS being annoying.”

My friend world traveler friend David wrote “I'll say. Perhaps the more interesting question is whether a good fairy cannot be annoying?”

As a self-appointed good fairy, my organizational behavior guru Marya concluded, “Yes, because apparently I piss off a lot of people with my good mood and attitude.” My marathon finishing friend Tony observed, “Yes, when the good fairy pushes nothing but the good and what you desire is a little bad!”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Since rabbits don't lay eggs, why does the Easter bunny carry eggs?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…

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