Monday, April 20

What did it take to eat the first oyster?

In response to last week's question, “What did it take to eat the first oyster?”, my friend Tracey realized it was tequila and hot sauce --- or horseradish. My sailing buddy Scott thought it was “the first cold beer” while my birthday bud Jon concluded, “The invention of the oyster shooter.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob thought it was “A sharp knife and a vision of what it will help you to do!” In that vein, my sailing buddy Kurt thought it was “a girl friend who jokingly said it was an aphrodisiac.” My creative writing sailing buddy Rich wrote, “The same thing it takes to eat them today. Like the caveman said to his buddy, ‘You know if you eat that, you’ll be fearsome on the bear rug tonight.’ "

My friend Ruth noted that “a couple of guys were sitting around and one said to the other "I dare you to eat THAT!" and he did.” Similarly, my marathon running buddy Tony had heard that “it took guys, some alcohol and nothing better to bet on while on a fishing trip.” And my cousin Wes said “It's like Life cereal. His ‘friends’ got gullible Mikey to try it. He liked it and it didn't kill him.”

My social media friend Jodie gave ‘guys’ a break, saying it was “hunger. The sad part is they didn’t have lemon.” My college roomie John agreed, “man saw some animal eat the oyster first. When hungry, man will eat anything.”

And my friend Richard responded, “Not sure, but I'll bet his/her hands were clammy while eating it! (Oy!!!).”

Please sshare your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Which way does a compass point in space?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…

MORE: Jon added this true story: One of the managers in my office has a weekend home on a river near the Chesapeake Bay. She and her husband raise oysters commercially. While at a conference, we were discussing this in front of one a Chief Counsels, who is not so wise in the ways of the world. Her response: "You grow oysters? You mean, in your garden?"

My witty friend Ivan shared the following: This little pearl of wisdom should be taken with a grain of sea salt. The first Oyster was eaten on a dare by a starving explorer. Little known but perhaps more important was the native who, upon seeing this guy eating it cried out incredulously, "Hey you, yonder there. It's a rock, feller!" He is credited with creating the name Oysters Rockefeller, also spelled Rockerfeller, neither of which is in my computer's lexicon!

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