Monday, November 26

Are turkeys proof that Southerners can fry anything?

In response to last week’s question,  “Are turkeys proof that Southerners can fry anything?”,  my friend Kevin challenged, “No, pickles are that proof” to which my friend Swany added, “I think a better case can be made for deep fried pickles and deep fried steak.  Who would think to batter and fry steak?  Man, I miss the Fruit Jar (restaurant)!”

My melodic friend Ira suggested, “I think those honors go to fried Twinkies, and, more recently, fried butter.”  My engineering friend Steve continued, “I thought that was already covered by Oreos, Twinkles, and mac & cheese. I thought I saw Paula Dean deep fry fat one time!”

My collaboration colleague Kim shared, “I think Deep Fried Butter at the fair proves it or, Bacon Wrapped Dates fried at a local restaurant. However, on a recent trip to Seaside, Oregon, my husband encountered a Deep Fried Bacon Wrapped Twinkie on a Corndog stick covered in Chocolate Sauce, Maple Syrup and dusted in Powdered Sugar. I had a bite. It tasted unexpectedly good. West coast wins!”

My friend Kosol showed his Southern pride, writing, “If you can eat it, we can fry it! We make the best fried anything hands down. And yes frying a turkey is absolute proof!”

My neighbor Al explained, “Turkeys are proof that we'll kill and eat anything no matter how ugly(*).  Butter is proof that we'll fry anything.

Then my Dish friend Kendra clarified things, “Turkeys are proof that Southerners can fry anything.  Oreos, Twinkies, bacon, and sticks of butter are proof that Southerners will fry anything.  Where there’s a will, you can find a way!”  And my cousin Dave supported that when he shared, “We will pretty much fry anything in Texas if it isn't moving. ”   My punny friend Chris replied, “Nope, The proof is in the cooking oil!”

My friend Richard cautioned, “Anything and everything except Wild Turkey bourbon. When they figure out how to fry THAT, I’ll really be impressed!”  My cycling friend Ted declared, “Not only can they fry a Turkey from the supermarket, but they can fry a Wild Turkey (bourbon)!”

My colleague Kelly  challenged, “No – but fried Ice Cream is proof that Mexicans can.”

My birthday bud Jon, a Northerner, mocked, “Including their houses.”  And my UT-based friend John added, “Actually, the exploding turkeys all over Louisiana are proof that they can’t.  Don’t blow up your House, Hal!”
My dad’s beach buddy Bob lamented, “Unfortunately we cannot get our hands on them.  They are all in Washington.  We tried to kick them out but the government game wardens wouldn't let us into the preserve.”

My friend from my Storer Cable days Buck shared, “My first job at age 15 was to work on an artificial insemination crew as a “catcher.” I learned three things:  1)Turkeys prove that G-d did make something dumber than dirt,  2) that there is something more disgusting than a pig’s rear end and 3)  there is something more ridiculous than “doggie diapers.”   I’ll be enjoying my Turkey on Thanksgiving like everyone else – while trying to block out all the memories of my first job in Clear Lake, MN at the Morehouse Turkey Hatchery.

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
When is the ‘top of the hour’ on a digital watch?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


(*) My writing and sailing friend Rich added to Al’s ‘ugly’ comment:  Turkeys are proof that Ben Franklin, while being a father of our country, celebrated author, publisher and scientist, lover of French women during his service in France during the revolution, did not know diddly about marketing.  The Turkey as the National logo?  Ben tell me you where kidding.

Our thoughts are with our friend Lon on the untimely passing of his son.   William shared so much with so many of us and will be sorely missed.  No one should ever know the pain of losing their child.


Monday, November 19

Who are the people that are alive simply because it’s illegal to shoot them?

In response to last week’s question,  “Who are the people that are alive simply because it’s illegal to shoot them?”, my cable marketing friend Megan hesitantly replied, “I can’t name names for fear of being blamed when something actually does happen to them!”   And my cousin Wes refused to say, writing, “I can't answer that on the grounds that I don't know which Patriot Act Big Brother is reading your emails.”

While my friend Royce wrote,  “You really don't want to know!”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob declared, “Members of Congress, the Executive and the Judiciary branches.”   And my friend Swany added, “1)  Jersey Shore cast; 2)  Rush Limbaugh; 3)  Geraldo Rivera; 4) Rosanne Barr; 5) Flo from Progressive and 6) ..... hold on, I didn't know I could actually come up with a list.  I think I need some anger management counseling.”

My colleague Kelly responded, “People who keep pit bulls (or any other dog) chained up in their yard all the time…”

My writing and sailing friend Rich observed, “I must be one, my beloved bought me a "Too Stupid to Live t-shirt".  Then my colleague Kim concluded, “Anyone who can’t accept me just the way I am. You don’t have to like what I do; and you can disagree with me all day long.  Without that judgmental look, appreciate the fact that I’m human and that we’re not all alike.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Are turkeys proof that Southerners can fry anything?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


I’m thankful for my family and many friends, particularly those that reply to these emails and blog.  Take a moment or two to think what you’re thankful for.   Then join me to “fry safely”, particularly the ‘overfilling’ fryer.

If you didn’t catch the Thanksgiving Ecumenical Celebration on Thu, you can see it online at  Our thanks to Syam for all of the effort coordinating so many pieces to make the video available.

Monday, November 12

hat exactly is a "personal day?

In response to last week’s question,  “What exactly is a "personal day?",  my friend Richard considered the work world view when responding, “A ‘personal day’ occurs when you miss work for one of two medical reasons: (i) An eye problem (“I just can’t see spending the day at work when the weather is so nice.”) or (ii) A cardiovascular problem (“My heart’s just not into working today.”)   My writing and sailing friend Rich then added, “A personal day is for those times when the boss is not going to buy that you have double Berri Berri Fever again.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob declared, “It’s a day when my wife doesn't bug me about anything that I have yet to do.”  And my friend Kosol added, “It’s a day that becomes extinct once you get married and have kids.”

My Parrothead friend Samantha explained, “It’s a day to do anything needed or wanted for your person.  I need a personal day in a boat in the middle of a body of water, with a book in one hand and a margarita in the other.”  And my organizational behavior guru friend countered, “While I believe every day is a "personal day," the BEST "personal day" is a glass of chardonnay, Bob Seger in the stereo (yes, stereos still exist), and good friends and family just laughing and enjoying.  It also includes George Clooney, but that's another story!  ;-) ”   

My friend Royce replied, “A day when you get personal?”   My friend Chris then jumped in, “Personally, it is none of your business and I thank you to stay out of MY business!!! LOL”  Then my birthday bud Jon got very direct, “None of your damn business!!”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Who are the people that are alive simply because it’s illegal to shoot them?   (from my leadership friend Sherri)

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


Must see TV on Thu if you’re not in or near Cobb Co, GA: This year will be our first time streaming the video (and audio) of the annual Thanksgiving Ecumenical Celebration that I faciliate.  The 75 minute program is an inspiring mix of spoken words and music from clergy for 6 different faiths and 4 choirs, and the feedback each year confirms this.  To learn more, go to Facebook and search for Thanksgiving Ecumenical Celebration, and then join us online.

Thu, Nov 15

Monday, November 5

Do you get a treat for doing a trick?

In response to last week’s question,  “Do you get a treat for doing a trick?”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob lamented, “Not in the last 20 years” to which my writing and sailing friend Rich shared, “I hate to keep dragging my wife into this, but she does have a system of reward and punishment that keeps me doing tricks.”  Then my videographer friend Ivan bragged, “When I perform a trick, it is she who gets a treat!”

My college roomie John  replied, “I hope so.  I will keep trying.”  Equally optimistic, my Dish friend John explained, “You know me…doing a trick is a treat!”

My cousin Wes observed, “Rosie, my border collie does” to which my BBQ friend Alan concurred, “My dog does!  But then again, Gordon is so cute, he doesn’t have to do a trick to get a treat.”  Alan added a second thought, “It depends on how mad she is after you do the trick on her!” which my friend Chris shared, “Depends on how sadistic you are really. If you think doing the trick and seeing the reaction afterwards is your treat then I guess so :)  

My friend Royce responded, “Well, if you are a working girl, the answer is yes” to which my friend Richard cautioned, “Depends. If you do it near the Port Authority in New York City, you can get 6 months to 5 years.”  Then my neighbor Al replied, “Certainly! Especially if your at a place like "The Mustang Ranch" in Nevada.  But not in many other states.”

My friend Kosol wrote, “Only if you are Evel Knievel.  Now that guy can do some tricks!”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
What exactly is a "personal day?"  (from my cousin Greg)
Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


Even if you’re not from OH, FL or CO, please remember how much has been sacrificed so that you can vote.  Your vote is important.

Another example of Americans being themselves was the 27th annual Punkin Chunkin contest in Bridgeville, DE, which I attended this weekend.  It’s hard to explain the fascination and creativity involved with human powered and air powered efforts to hurl a pumpkins literally thousands of feet through the air.  My thanks to my cycling friend Ted, and son Ian, for inviting to attend.  Want to know more: