Monday, November 19

Who are the people that are alive simply because it’s illegal to shoot them?

In response to last week’s question,  “Who are the people that are alive simply because it’s illegal to shoot them?”, my cable marketing friend Megan hesitantly replied, “I can’t name names for fear of being blamed when something actually does happen to them!”   And my cousin Wes refused to say, writing, “I can't answer that on the grounds that I don't know which Patriot Act Big Brother is reading your emails.”

While my friend Royce wrote,  “You really don't want to know!”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob declared, “Members of Congress, the Executive and the Judiciary branches.”   And my friend Swany added, “1)  Jersey Shore cast; 2)  Rush Limbaugh; 3)  Geraldo Rivera; 4) Rosanne Barr; 5) Flo from Progressive and 6) ..... hold on, I didn't know I could actually come up with a list.  I think I need some anger management counseling.”

My colleague Kelly responded, “People who keep pit bulls (or any other dog) chained up in their yard all the time…”

My writing and sailing friend Rich observed, “I must be one, my beloved bought me a "Too Stupid to Live t-shirt".  Then my colleague Kim concluded, “Anyone who can’t accept me just the way I am. You don’t have to like what I do; and you can disagree with me all day long.  Without that judgmental look, appreciate the fact that I’m human and that we’re not all alike.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Are turkeys proof that Southerners can fry anything?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


I’m thankful for my family and many friends, particularly those that reply to these emails and blog.  Take a moment or two to think what you’re thankful for.   Then join me to “fry safely”, particularly the ‘overfilling’ fryer.

If you didn’t catch the Thanksgiving Ecumenical Celebration on Thu, you can see it online at  Our thanks to Syam for all of the effort coordinating so many pieces to make the video available.

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