Monday, November 12

hat exactly is a "personal day?

In response to last week’s question,  “What exactly is a "personal day?",  my friend Richard considered the work world view when responding, “A ‘personal day’ occurs when you miss work for one of two medical reasons: (i) An eye problem (“I just can’t see spending the day at work when the weather is so nice.”) or (ii) A cardiovascular problem (“My heart’s just not into working today.”)   My writing and sailing friend Rich then added, “A personal day is for those times when the boss is not going to buy that you have double Berri Berri Fever again.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob declared, “It’s a day when my wife doesn't bug me about anything that I have yet to do.”  And my friend Kosol added, “It’s a day that becomes extinct once you get married and have kids.”

My Parrothead friend Samantha explained, “It’s a day to do anything needed or wanted for your person.  I need a personal day in a boat in the middle of a body of water, with a book in one hand and a margarita in the other.”  And my organizational behavior guru friend countered, “While I believe every day is a "personal day," the BEST "personal day" is a glass of chardonnay, Bob Seger in the stereo (yes, stereos still exist), and good friends and family just laughing and enjoying.  It also includes George Clooney, but that's another story!  ;-) ”   

My friend Royce replied, “A day when you get personal?”   My friend Chris then jumped in, “Personally, it is none of your business and I thank you to stay out of MY business!!! LOL”  Then my birthday bud Jon got very direct, “None of your damn business!!”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Who are the people that are alive simply because it’s illegal to shoot them?   (from my leadership friend Sherri)

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


Must see TV on Thu if you’re not in or near Cobb Co, GA: This year will be our first time streaming the video (and audio) of the annual Thanksgiving Ecumenical Celebration that I faciliate.  The 75 minute program is an inspiring mix of spoken words and music from clergy for 6 different faiths and 4 choirs, and the feedback each year confirms this.  To learn more, go to Facebook and search for Thanksgiving Ecumenical Celebration, and then join us online.

Thu, Nov 15

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