Monday, December 24

Is it better to give and be re-gifted, than never give at all?

In response to last week’s question,  “Is it better to give and be re-gifted, than never give at all?”,  my Dish friend John declared, “Better to be regifted than to find the resting place for all the gifts I've given my parents through the years that they never used. Where is the island of misfit toys when you need it?”  My writing and sailing friend Rich added, “It's a 3-fer of joy. One, the joy you get in giving a gift. Two, the joy the re-gifted person gets when they receive the gift.  Three, the sheer happiness the original receiver gets at being shed of the reminder that you really don't understand them at all.

My friend Royce concluded, “It's always better to get it while you can.” 

My cousin Wes explained, “Of course since we are told, "It is the thought that counts"…..the thoughts just keep going.   BTW: Is it better to be regifted or "White Elephanted"?”  My dad’s beach buddy Bob challenged, “I hate it when they regift by returning the tie I gave them last year.”

Then my friend Swany replied, “This reminds me of taxes and entitlements, so I say it’s better never to give at all.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

How do you know that Santa Claus isn't (or wasn't) real?
Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.

To all of my Christian friends, Merry Christmas; may it be joyous and meaningful.  To my Jewish and other non-Christian friends:  Chinese food on Tuesday?

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