response to last week’s question, “When does silence become awkward?”, my
friend Royce recalled, “When ‘Was it as good for you as it was for me’ doesn't
work.” My neighbor Al thought differently, writing, “If it's in a real noisy
environment. Just before you let out that four letter expletive that
you didn't want anyone to really hear. Or a crude response: when the
bean chili and beer catch up.”
newly retired friend Bruce described it as, “silence... awkward?
aaaaaa.......mmmmmm.......aaaaaa....about now.”
engineering friend Steve explained, “When one of the parties start squirming,”
to which my Parrothead friend Sam was a little more compassionate, “Awkward
silence... As soon as you realize there is silence and you wonder if it is
awkward.” Then my writing and sailing friend Rich suggested, “When the
Elephant in the room is standing on your toe.”
friend Swany proposed, “If the silence occurs immediately after..."and
Hal, do you take Alison to be your lawfully wedded wife....?"
dad’s beach buddy Bob replied, “When you are told you are receiving a raise and
you thought you were going to be fired.”
Please share your
thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
Is it better to
give and be re-gifted, than never give at all?
Life is too
short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly,
and forgive quickly.
From the prior week’s question,
my neighbor Al had observed, “It all has to do the "Hunter Gatherer"
theory. Men hunt woman ..... Women collect men.” My sailing friend
Michael shared, “This reminded me of a quote from Zsa Zsa Gabor. “I’m a
housekeeper. I marry men. I divorce them. I keep their

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