In response to last week’s question,
“Should we celebrate more than just 2 of 44 presidents on Presidents'
Day?", my friend Richard observed, "There might be 10 worth
celebrating. Do we really want to celebrate Martin Van Buren, William Henry
Harrison (the whole 31 days of his presidency), Millard Fillmore, or James
Buchanan?" My engineering friend Steve replied, "Yes,
but not all 44!"
My friend Kosol was more discerning,
"If we celebrate the birthdays of all the honest and great presidents
we're lucky to even have two of them."
And my friend Swany was even more discerning, "I think there's a
limit to the reverence that comes with the POTUS
position. Celebrating Washington as our new nation's first president
and Lincoln as a historically pivotal president makes sense, however; I
cannot 'celebrate' the likes of adulterers, liars and cheats that we have had
as our 'leaders' in our modern times."
To this, my dad's beach buddy Bob proposed, "Perhaps 35, the rest
we would like to forget for the damage they caused."
My social media friend Mark queried, "Does
anyone really celebrate ANY presidents on Presidents' Day? People take the day
off, but I don't know anyone who is doing (or did) anything special for or
about George Washington or Abraham Lincoln." To
this, my friend Royce suggested, "It is possessive - Presidents' Day
- without designating which president. I assume that it was created by
Congress in order to take another long weekend junket."
My cousin Wes shared, "We used to have
a holiday for President Washington and one for President Lincoln.
Presidents' Day depreciates these Presidents. While some of the other 42 don't
deserve a holiday, I want my two holidays back, even if I don't get both
days off."
Then my writing and sailing friend Rich offered
another view, "Washington and Lincoln need the holiday, after all they got
screwed on the money, ones and fives, with inflation they hardly even
matter. Now Woodrow is a Dead President I would not mind having in my
wallet." * Woodrow Wilson is on
the $100,000 bill.
Please share your
thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
To eat a peanut, do you shell it or
unshell it? from my friend Ivan
Life is too
short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly,
and forgive quickly.